Will need alliance after season ends plat3/4 at least

I have no issue being in plat 3/4. Map 6. I’m gonna try and be clear this time and whoever is recruiting me please make sure that whatever group I am in knows of my intentions. I want a team that doesn’t need me to carry them in aq. Basically where everyone moves in aq and helps equally most as possible. If I am to join a team I need to be on path 4/5/6/7/9 in war. I’m especially good on 5 and 7 and 9. Now that I have ranked up a trillion science no buff champions I can do path 2 but I’d rather not. My prestige is 15836 my ign is Derek2kyoutube. My line id is Derek2k23 with a lower case d. I have discord but would prefer line.

I maybe am being picky here but I want a place I can stay a long time and there’s always some disconnect or some people who just generally don’t like me for no reason or kids in charge who put LOL after every sentence to degrade you or something it’s weird. Just need a chill regular people alliance without spending money. If you are close to this hmu and we can talk. I am sorry if it takes a bit of talking but I need to be on same page. I will leave a video with a more straight to point of what I’m looking for in the comments on this post later tonight. Thank you. Discord is Derek2k#5262
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