
Instead of buying the daily bundle you could have a monthly subscription that gives you something like the daily bundles each day but paid monthly for a discount.
When we fight Goldpool why not give us extra gold and when we fight Platinumpool we could have a chance of getting units. Maybe even an event around that.
Reward players who have signed in everyday without missing Monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
PLEASE let us use champs in story progression and AQ at the same time.
I know this will never happen but let us trade champs with each other. I know what issues that would bring but I’d love to see it. The game is 8 years old so this might bring people back.
This would be very unpopular with ftp but I used an app called Marvel Collect and each month they would give limited edition cards to top spenders. Some similar program.
Put more content in the webstore.
Let us rework our Masteries for free. It’s crazy expensive to redo them. Or at least let us have a few different setups we can change every so often.
Id really love to be able to somehow rank my favorite character up further. I know ascension is coming but I mean something that would allow me to make my favorite character my most powerful champ. Not sure if how this would work. Maybe only let someone rank up one champ per account. Idk I haven’t thought this one out to much. I just want to use my Wolverine more cause he’s been my favorite since 1992!
When we fight Goldpool why not give us extra gold and when we fight Platinumpool we could have a chance of getting units. Maybe even an event around that.
Reward players who have signed in everyday without missing Monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
PLEASE let us use champs in story progression and AQ at the same time.
I know this will never happen but let us trade champs with each other. I know what issues that would bring but I’d love to see it. The game is 8 years old so this might bring people back.
This would be very unpopular with ftp but I used an app called Marvel Collect and each month they would give limited edition cards to top spenders. Some similar program.
Put more content in the webstore.
Let us rework our Masteries for free. It’s crazy expensive to redo them. Or at least let us have a few different setups we can change every so often.
Id really love to be able to somehow rank my favorite character up further. I know ascension is coming but I mean something that would allow me to make my favorite character my most powerful champ. Not sure if how this would work. Maybe only let someone rank up one champ per account. Idk I haven’t thought this one out to much. I just want to use my Wolverine more cause he’s been my favorite since 1992!