Feel free to join us at Not So Furious 2.0 NSF2. We run Map 654 in AQ so you pick based on your skill level AW we are between G2 an G3 based on the season If you participate in BG, ask is to have 25k minimum Find me in game “Zarky” to join No outside apps needed for communication Just daily participation required
This is “The Cosmos” from GET SUM!! GOLD1 alliance. Had a rogue player join and we fell to Gold2. Looking for a player to fill the gap. 4300 min glory in AQ. 6/5/5 war season and 6/6/6 in season. Connect me on thecosmos9 at line.
Do you have a Line I.D?
Or profile pic? In-game name?
We run Map 654 in AQ so you pick based on your skill level
AW we are between G2 an G3 based on the season
If you participate in BG, ask is to have 25k minimum
Find me in game “Zarky” to join
No outside apps needed for communication
Just daily participation required