lol I just messaged my alliance the exact same thing. Imagine ascending either Magik or Quake only to pull them as a 6 star next. As the pool of 7 stars builds up, I wouldn't be surprised to get a 6 star Magik or Quake. We got Scarlet Witch and Wolverine already. It took a while and they weren't easy to get. I still don't have a 6 star SWitch. So I wouldn't expect them to be easy pulls either. Otherwise Magik and Quake will become champions no one would use anymore unless they were new players.
IMO just go for it anyway. Who else would you use the primordial dust on as a 5 star?
lol I just messaged my alliance the exact same thing. Imagine ascending either Magik or Quake only to pull them as a 6 star next. As the pool of 7 stars builds up, I wouldn't be surprised to get a 6 star Magik or Quake. We got Scarlet Witch and Wolverine already. It took a while and they weren't easy to get. I still don't have a 6 star SWitch. So I wouldn't expect them to be easy pulls either. Otherwise Magik and Quake will become champions no one would use anymore unless they were new players.
IMO just go for it anyway. Who else would you use the primordial dust on as a 5 star?
lol I just messaged my alliance the exact same thing. Imagine ascending either Magik or Quake only to pull them as a 6 star next. As the pool of 7 stars builds up, I wouldn't be surprised to get a 6 star Magik or Quake. We got Scarlet Witch and Wolverine already. It took a while and they weren't easy to get. I still don't have a 6 star SWitch. So I wouldn't expect them to be easy pulls either. Otherwise Magik and Quake will become champions no one would use anymore unless they were new players.
IMO just go for it anyway. Who else would you use the primordial dust on as a 5 star?
We ain't seeing a 6* quake any time soon, if not ever.
Quake and Magik are the only logical choice while we don’t have them as 6*. If we only had Hercules as 5*, would take all advantage of Ascension or would wait until gods knows when they would release them as 6*?
If you were committed to doing old Carina challenges for any reason, then I’ll hear an argument for 5-star Stryfe, 4-star Star Lord or 4-stars for LOL challenges.
I have no idea why you WOULD be, unless Kabam released tiered rewards for completing multiple volumes of Carina. But if you were…
I don’t have a 6* Torch so ascended my maxed out 5*. Don’t care if I pull him as a 6* anytime soon. I am viewing ascension differently.
Reality is you should ascend a 5* champ that will actually be useful to your roster. I don’t use Quake ever and although Magik is cool, ascended I would not use her either. Torch however I use and the extra health pool and attack makes him more useful. I am doing Tigra and then AA next for the exact same reasons.
Agreed - there's no suggestion that Ascension is anything other than an on-going thing. At least for a while - longer, if it proves to be more popular than Relics, at least.
I don't understand why Magik hasn't been added already. Yes, she can permanently power lock and keep the opponent in the corner, but it's not like Quake and there are many more fights she can't handle. I've never thought she was over powered. I'm going to do Quake on the grounds that they have to add Magik at some point.
IMO just go for it anyway. Who else would you use the primordial dust on as a 5 star?
I have no idea why you WOULD be, unless Kabam released tiered rewards for completing multiple volumes of Carina. But if you were…
Reality is you should ascend a 5* champ that will actually be useful to your roster. I don’t use Quake ever and although Magik is cool, ascended I would not use her either. Torch however I use and the extra health pool and attack makes him more useful. I am doing Tigra and then AA next for the exact same reasons.
So Ascend who you like.
The 5* and 6* currency is the same? Cause ive been seeing ppl ascend 5* instead of saving for 6*.
So if the currency is the same, im fumbling and will ascend 5* too
Pretty sure they said Magik was gonna be a very late add, not sure if that plan changed.