*Still* cannot use war defenders in AQ

GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
In the release notes for 41.1 game update it says “Fixed an issue with AW Defender champions being unable to enter AQ”.

Yet, after updating to the latest version my alliance mates cannot use any of their war defender champs in AQ still.


  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    You have them placed on another map. There are three maps to remove your champs from.
  • ChiiccChiicc Member Posts: 217

    You have them placed on another map. There are three maps to remove your champs from.

    Not true I fully removed a second account and booted to see if fix. Added back a few days later in no wars yet showing champs locked in to a war two weeks a go
  • GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
    Placed or not, I thought the fix from the update was supposed to unlock them from defense for use in AQ. Need some clarification on this.
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