Revives and gold farming

Mohammad07Mohammad07 Member Posts: 183 ★★
Are their any paths for revives anymore?
Also i am always low on gold any tips.


  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    Arena is great for gold.
    Shooting Stars quest, middle path chest will give you T6 ISO bricks which sell for a great amount of gold.

    Apothecary gives out revives. Don't only complete the two paths, go back in and check because it's possible for a revive to spawn on the path.

    With the changes though, chests have replaced item spawns and there's no info released on the chests. So far all I've ever received (that I can remember) from the biggest chest is T6 ISO. I'm sure that someone will figure out one of the chests is more likely to give out potions and revives - but until then, we're SOL.

    The 4 hour crystals give out an okay amount of revives if you horde them long enough.
  • Mohammad07Mohammad07 Member Posts: 183 ★★

    Arena is great for gold.
    Shooting Stars quest, middle path chest will give you T6 ISO bricks which sell for a great amount of gold.

    Apothecary gives out revives. Don't only complete the two paths, go back in and check because it's possible for a revive to spawn on the path.

    With the changes though, chests have replaced item spawns and there's no info released on the chests. So far all I've ever received (that I can remember) from the biggest chest is T6 ISO. I'm sure that someone will figure out one of the chests is more likely to give out potions and revives - but until then, we're SOL.

    The 4 hour crystals give out an okay amount of revives if you horde them long enough.

    Thank you but what's the shooting star quest? I am uncollected btw
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★

    Thank you but what's the shooting star quest? I am uncollected btw
    Ahh, the Shooting Stars quest is the permanent content they added with 7*

    Image is courtesy of the great Cat_Murdock
    As uncollected, just push the story and progress.

    For you, Story is probably the best source of gold and items. Event Quests and Side Quests, yes, but progression through the story will get you access to even better rewards.
    Good luck, have fun!
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