Loyalty Store Revamp Time?

DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
Just wondering if there is any date yet for this or timeline?

Will it be before the end of the year?


  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 979 ★★★★
    should be end of this month since they mentioned in the stream that there will be a special 7* crystal available in the loyalty store
  • GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
    Coming sometime in November I believe
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    Is there a Loyalty cap? I know Glory is 15k (sucks), Artifacts are 250k, Trophy Tokens are 150k, Elder's Marks are 9k and those Shields are 10 (which shouldn't be a currency since we have to buy them with other currencies usually, they should be items that can go in to overflow). I forget if it is Artifacts or Trophy Tokens that is having its limit increased and I'm also not sure when that happens.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    Crine60 said:

    Is there a Loyalty cap? I know Glory is 15k (sucks), Artifacts are 250k, Trophy Tokens are 150k, Elder's Marks are 9k and those Shields are 10 (which shouldn't be a currency since we have to buy them with other currencies usually, they should be items that can go in to overflow). I forget if it is Artifacts or Trophy Tokens that is having its limit increased and I'm also not sure when that happens.

    No cap on loyalty. Just like battlechips also dont have a cap
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