Dust exploit?

I’m hearing chatter that there is an exploit of obtaining dust to ascend 6 stars already. Evidently changing alliances and recollecting rewards? Not sure if this true or not but if it is I hope Kabam has a way of discouraging or correcting this. I’m waiting patiently for my last 20 dust and the BG event to acquire it, seems a little unfair that I’m seeing ascended 6 stars already when there is way to obtain them without exploiting.
i'm still waiting for the BG enlistment event to get that last 20.
let's see if kabam considers this an exploit.
100% visual bug. relax people.
i try and dual my main account from my alt and it shows 6* herc asscended.
my herc def is not asscended
if a bug, then should this be moved to Bugs and Known Issues
+ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
The team was able to confirm this as a visual bug. We've added it to the bug board and hope to have it resolved soon!
Thank you!