Alliance members Wanted!

Hello, Our Alliance is looking for players who can help both in AQ and AW.

-Players must be either Uncollected or higher

-We don't mind if you aren't very skilled as a player, we just want you to grow and improve in the Alliance.

-we are in silver 3 and are wanting to rank up.

-Our Alliance hasn't been active just up until last month and were finally getting back into the game again.

-3 officer's including myself and the leader have been the most active but we just don't enough players to truly compete in wars and quests to rank higher.

-Our Alliance is pretty chill and if you go inactive for a week you will be kicked but if you inform us that you won't be active you'll be fine for probably a month.

-We use discord to communicate easier and we just started the discord a few days ago but It is optional to use for now.

-if you are conquerer level you can join as long as you can hit uncollected by the end of October.

-We want to grow and improve this alliance and one day have a full alliance again.

-Our Alliances name is Happy Hulk feel free to request.

This is my profile you are free to add me to!

If you'd like to join the discord just ask me :)
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