Summoner’s Sigil is in desperate need of an update

An open letter to Kabam,
First and foremost I’d like to give you a verbal high five on creating a fun, challenging, and at times a near addictive gaming experience with MCOC. Like many players out there I’ve been playing for years. I have the 8 year profile pic to prove it. There’s so many aspects of the game that I really do enjoy. Battlegrounds is new and refreshing. Alliance War is still fun. AQ, monthly quests, and harder gauntlet style content. Plenty to do in this game. And you seem to be open to the players suggestions of updating the rewards in all of these game modes.
However, something I can no longer justify is continuing to purchase the Summoner’s Sigil. I’ve been paying $9.99 every month for years. And perhaps it has been updated before, and I really don’t want to speak for others, but for myself I just think it’s long overdue for an update. It used to feel good getting some rewards that helped me progress my account but those days are long gone now. It’s such a small amount of materials now since the rewards for completing content have seen multiple updates. I know I’m not giving exact numbers here but I basically pay $10 a month for 300 units, 2,400 6* shards, some 5* shards, a few 6* sig stone crystals, and an outdated option to exchange some of my materials for other materials. Zero 7* shards in sight.
Many, many of the players have accounts that are just beyond this. The Summoner’s Sigil no longer actually helps us in any way. Again, I don’t want to speak for other players but for me I’ve just been on auto-pilot as far as paying for it every month. I should’ve quit purchasing that a while back.
So, I’m not quitting the game or anything. You’re not losing a summoner. You’re just losing a customer. My Sigil expired today and until the “rewards” or whatever you guys call what we get for buying the Sigil are updated to where they actually matter again, I wont be buying. But if or hopefully when this is updated I’ll be happy to be a returning customer.
Thank you for creating a game that I still love playing even after 8 years!
But I agree the weekly objective is in need of some tuning, and matbe even moreso the Black ISO Market. Let us trade in revives for higher level ones, give us way to get 7* shards or T6CC even if just a tiny bit.
I'd love a 7* Sigil witch although It's probably too early for them to release that
But at this moment I'm just waiting and holding on to my Credits because there isn't really anything in the store I'd spend them on, atleast let us buy a featured 6* from the credits
You can debate extra capacity but not really, it's not worth the price.
I also used to buy the Sigil every month, but once I got 6* Sigil Witch, I stopped, as it just wasn't worth it.
Thank you MattyB for bringing up a good point here. It is definitely something that should also be addressed.
There's effectively nothing for me to spend my sigil credits on.
None of the trade-in stuff seem worth it (for Paragon level). Most of the things that I could get in the store are already just simply expiring in my overflow. Trade in lower catalysts/shards that I don't need for things I still don't need. Increased inventory caps is also meaningless, as again, I don't use those materials anyways.
The only thing that seems 'worth it' is Sigil potions and Sigil credits (to get Sigil SW).
But in order for the Sigil potions to be worth it is if you are paying for Sigil the whole time (the whole year), so that you can accrue enough normal potions, to convert into Sigil potions, to actually build it up. Essentially that means, you have to wait long enough to accrue 30+ normal potions to be able to exchange it for 1 Sigil Potions. In order to hit the Sigil Potion cap, you have to do that 25x times. So, if you are planning to stock up Sigil potions to attempt Necropolis, you have to wait a long time before attempting it (potentially a whole year). So in essence, you are paying a monthly fee to not do content, and then by the time you do the content, you will probably have higher ranked champions that make you not need as many potions in the first place.
On the Sigil Scarlet Witch side, essentially you are paying for something like the Morbius platinum track. Setting aside which champion is better (and the limited availability of SW), the things we got from the Platinum track seem more valuable than what we get from weekly Sigil milestones plus whatever is trade-in in the store.
At the end of the day, Sigil is fine for those below TB as a way to accelerate their progression. I am not sure if a new Sigil+ level for Paragon/Valiant would be an answer, but as it stands right now, paying for Sigil is for early/mid-game players.
I can imagine a $14.99 Sigil that solves all that for Valiants alone and it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see that coming soon.
Dr. Zola
Maybe whales are dishing out rapid cash that the measly 10$ is meh 🥲
Edit: it's 9 months old post, still no update 💀
Dr. Zola