Why is bgs ranked by actual rank not by story

im having issues gettin up in Battle grounds people will come in will multiple 6 stars that are R3 and i barely have 3 R2 6 stars the damage with prowess 1 shots most of my champs and thats not fun to match with half the time i have to quit the match to find better or worse kinda not fair for players just gettin out of act 5
I still stand by my original points. Eventually the competition will get harder. That's just something that needs to be adjusted to. I'm all in for Players having a fair start. I can't get behind the whole competition being that way.
Also, for the record, I wish there was a bit more of a range in that start. Personally I've never been a voice for exact Matches. Just soft limits so the startup isn't a slaughter.
please try making a new account and playing battle grounds and see my points before you bash me for it thank you:)
I always wanted a mode to chill, matching random people.
No I'm not talking 1 or 2 friendlies.
I don't want to play ranked matches all the time,
Somwtimes you just want to have fun and not get punished for it.
As a competetive serious player, matches get stressful. Sometimes it would be nice to matchup with random people and have a emote war instead of a mental battle.
BGs are kinda mental battles. You got to know interactions and counters and abilities and nodes. Takes a toll over time.
A mode where you match random people and you don't get any rewards.
Just stats matches win, matchs played. 100% finish somthing like that.
Hope to get somthing like that some day!
most of the top champs get banned that you have and your left with nothing when you only have a few champs that are even 10k then they ban em its why i want a tier system for story so at least theres fair play agaisnt another uncollected player so uncollected can have fun and play fair fights
A little spendier than some, but this isn’t an uncommon palette of opponent champs at a relatively high VT level. Stringing wins together against accounts that size takes a good bit of luck and skill, and players who face that kind of stiff competition again and again are justified to be irritated at small accounts slipping past them into GC without facing similar opponents.
Other than separating players into something like tiers or leagues (much like incursions tiers) with different and adjusted reward structures, I don’t see how matchmaking will ever be considered “fair.” Few seemed to genuinely like that idea when it was floated before. Perhaps that will change.
Dr. Zola
Now that they’ve stealth back-tracked solo objectives to winning matches vs winning fights, I’m legit annoyed by it.
Also, your comment about prowess one shotting you also doesn't have much to do with progression, as you can play around it. Restrict your combos to LMLM, use Champs that can nullify/Neutralize, or use the node to your advantage. Champs like Nimrod and Ultron can stack lots of Fury by doing LL/MM combos and then parrying. Also also, not many Champs have undexable specials, so if anything, work on your dexes a bit.