Why is bgs ranked by actual rank not by story

MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
im having issues gettin up in Battle grounds people will come in will multiple 6 stars that are R3 and i barely have 3 R2 6 stars the damage with prowess 1 shots most of my champs and thats not fun to match with half the time i have to quit the match to find better or worse kinda not fair for players just gettin out of act 5


  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    just saying dosent seem fair for alot of players returning oe starting the game it feels like being camped on bronze every que i get
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    the rank system is fine just needs a player filter for story still not fair even when they mark it past act 5
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    set it to where uncollected has there own rewards and filters the match making will be slower but at least new players will have a chance in bgs to build there roster and not be camped at bronze 3 by a cav player and up
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    not exactly i think they need to add a different bracket system for people that are gettin out of act 5 kinda basically like looser bracket where that account can’t qualify for the battle ground ranked system i think it should be based of story at a certain point.when your at uncollected you have no chance of gettin T5 basics or T5 anything intill you get cav. if they set cav as ranked base it separate people with R3 6 stars that decimate the whole game while people in uncollected only have maybe a 6 star at that point and get defeated everytime
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    its unfair for players trying battlegrounds out and cant even play it fully because they are super under leveled going agaisnt a thronebreaker a cav player and up some people dont go up they sit at bronze and farm lower players for battle ground trophies
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,176 ★★★★★
    Terrible idea. That is all.
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    loll your a paragon player you wouldn't get the torcher of gettin up lmfao
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    you go against fair fights that are evenly matched 😂 uncollected get bashed by cav players,thronebreakers if its no mercy
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,176 ★★★★★
    Moogie said:

    you go against fair fights that are evenly matched 😂 uncollected get bashed by cav players,thronebreakers if its no mercy

    That's not how the game works at all really. Cavs, thronebreaker could easily be more skilled than a paragon player. All the story title progressions is that you basically got lucky to pull a decent counter to boss fights and ranked up enough champs to get a title. Doesn't mean your skilled.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    This idea has come up, but it's not feasible to have two different leagues or more. I have spoken out about having some sort of evening to start, otherwise it would be a fruitless effort for lower Players. (To my own detriment no less because I'm a new Paragon getting bashed around in Silver 1 😆)
    I still stand by my original points. Eventually the competition will get harder. That's just something that needs to be adjusted to. I'm all in for Players having a fair start. I can't get behind the whole competition being that way.
    Also, for the record, I wish there was a bit more of a range in that start. Personally I've never been a voice for exact Matches. Just soft limits so the startup isn't a slaughter.
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    i just wish matches wernt so unfair like with the reward systems and everything either way as soon as you get into battle grounds you get bashed because you dont have the rank up stuff you need higher players have already had all of it and have higher champs and not to mention with current stats tech champs arent even working in current meta so its hard to go against a 30,000 lvl 6 star and then get bopped by prowess that increases there speacils which when you bait out just want shot you on sp1 i wish they would at least give uncollected either a ranking system for those players or give them more with side quest and daily quest because its hard gettin your champs up to there lvl in a month when you run out of iso,gold,catlysts all the time.people argue my point but there paragons that didnt go through bgs at uncollected because they been on the game longer then me.

    please try making a new account and playing battle grounds and see my points before you bash me for it thank you:)
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,346 ★★★★★
    Nothing related to this thread.....

    I always wanted a mode to chill, matching random people.
    No I'm not talking 1 or 2 friendlies.

    I don't want to play ranked matches all the time,
    Somwtimes you just want to have fun and not get punished for it.

    As a competetive serious player, matches get stressful. Sometimes it would be nice to matchup with random people and have a emote war instead of a mental battle.

    BGs are kinda mental battles. You got to know interactions and counters and abilities and nodes. Takes a toll over time.

    A mode where you match random people and you don't get any rewards.
    Just stats matches win, matchs played. 100% finish somthing like that.

    Hope to get somthing like that some day!
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    it dosent matter at somepoints with counters when your champs barely make it over 5000 and in order to counter and win you need higher lvl champs that you dont have intill cav highest you get in uncollected is 13000 a cav player can R3 a 6 star and get close to 20k plus the buffs applied as defender.
    most of the top champs get banned that you have and your left with nothing when you only have a few champs that are even 10k then they ban em its why i want a tier system for story so at least theres fair play agaisnt another uncollected player so uncollected can have fun and play fair fights
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Moogie said:

    i just wish matches wernt so unfair like with the reward systems and everything either way as soon as you get into battle grounds you get bashed because you dont have the rank up stuff you need higher players have already had all of it and have higher champs and not to mention with current stats tech champs arent even working in current meta so its hard to go against a 30,000 lvl 6 star and then get bopped by prowess that increases there speacils which when you bait out just want shot you on sp1 i wish they would at least give uncollected either a ranking system for those players or give them more with side quest and daily quest because its hard gettin your champs up to there lvl in a month when you run out of iso,gold,catlysts all the time.people argue my point but there paragons that didnt go through bgs at uncollected because they been on the game longer then me.

    please try making a new account and playing battle grounds and see my points before you bash me for it thank you:)

    Stick to Champs that have Nullify and Stagger.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Not the answer you want but it helps.
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    hopefully it would help a bit with in general the fairness of the game i understand story being hard but also dealing with high lvled players just running you through the game and wasting your time and resources to get better rewards that you will never get because you get camped by a cav or thronebreaker player pargaon is rare to run into. at least make mode whwre we get a full explore of some type of gold and iso that’s actually decent and revives suck right now to get
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    i honestly think the story should have stayed hard and the rewards needed upgraded in all acts but there should be a more organized way for battle grounds for progressing lower player”noobs” to get rewards that are at there level and not going agaisnt somone that has everything in the take
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    titles don't mean anything anymore, people are uncollected with r3 6*s and Cavs have r4s and 7*s already :D Then the people who actually progress the story instead of not touching it will be in the same bracket as these people with stacked rosters still fighting 5.4 Ultron.
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    its not the title its story progression you cant get a R3 six unless you sell every single T4 cats story matter more then anything because you unlock uprageable item that help you more when you match with someone with something like that it’s impossible to go agaisnt uncollected is suck with T4 while cav gets T5 look at all reward systems the plat pass is a good exapmle of the system tiering up as soon as you hit cav story matters and where your at in it does you can do that ultron boss with counters if you know the node its the fact the lvl between a cav and uncollected is way beyond then what people think there rostwr is way to stacked going agasint a uncollected with maybe a 6* or 2 tbh that they can barely get ranked and as soon they rank them up they get banned there 5 stars get demolished and they have nothing because the difference is to high
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    make new account and get through 5.4 and tell me how you feel bout battle grounds the match making dosent make since still at this point make it cav only for battlegrounds if your gonna match a cav player to uncollected theres a big power difference theres a time played difference and a skill difference new players can get to uncollected pretty quick
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Moogie said:

    its not the title its story progression you cant get a R3 six unless you sell every single T4 cats story matter more then anything because you unlock uprageable item that help you more when you match with someone with something like that it’s impossible to go agaisnt uncollected is suck with T4 while cav gets T5 look at all reward systems the plat pass is a good exapmle of the system tiering up as soon as you hit cav story matters and where your at in it does you can do that ultron boss with counters if you know the node its the fact the lvl between a cav and uncollected is way beyond then what people think there rostwr is way to stacked going agasint a uncollected with maybe a 6* or 2 tbh that they can barely get ranked and as soon they rank them up they get banned there 5 stars get demolished and they have nothing because the difference is to high

    idk what game you playing my guy but I've seen Cavs with a higher base rating than me and I've been Paragon for a while now. The hard-to-obtain TB was back then when it first came out and it was a struggle and now UC can get r3s.
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    barely an R3 you have to sacrafise so much T4 you dont just get T5 you use T4 on 5 stars and hald the time those people lvl there 4s and 5s thats how your rating is increased its not hard to get that up at all and when you get your 6* to 3 as uncollected its a dumb idea your wasting to much time trying to get that gold and everything up not to mention variants give great rewards but you cant even do those right intill your in cav or are a comp player knowing how to dex and parry right.Its not worth sacrificing T4 for T5 at all in my op to get 1 6* up
  • Agent_7Agent_7 Member Posts: 184 ★★
    DrZola said:

    A little spendier than some, but this isn’t an uncommon palette of opponent champs at a relatively high VT level. Stringing wins together against accounts that size takes a good bit of luck and skill, and players who face that kind of stiff competition again and again are justified to be irritated at small accounts slipping past them into GC without facing similar opponents.

    Dr. Zola

    This right here is pretty much my experience in Bronze and Silver every month as a Paragon with a sizable roster. Add in that half of them are running ouchies and I usually take what I can get, even with the knowledge that lower progression players with smaller rosters are flying past me only to complain that they hit a wall of paragons when their benefit runs out. Every time they “fix” matchmaking for one group, it breaks for another.

    Now that they’ve stealth back-tracked solo objectives to winning matches vs winning fights, I’m legit annoyed by it.
  • Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Member Posts: 547 ★★★
    The thing is, until you get into platinum, you face players around your prestige, or at least you should be. So even if you're getting players with 6R3, you should still be close enough to make it close.

    Also, your comment about prowess one shotting you also doesn't have much to do with progression, as you can play around it. Restrict your combos to LMLM, use Champs that can nullify/Neutralize, or use the node to your advantage. Champs like Nimrod and Ultron can stack lots of Fury by doing LL/MM combos and then parrying. Also also, not many Champs have undexable specials, so if anything, work on your dexes a bit.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    Another terrible thread.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    Another terrible thread.

    Much more to come till season ends 😂
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    Moogie said:

    i honestly think the story should have stayed hard and the rewards needed upgraded in all acts but there should be a more organized way for battle grounds for progressing lower player”noobs” to get rewards that are at there level and not going agaisnt somone that has everything in the take

    That's the whole point of BGs. When you hit your ceiling, you're earning the rewards you should get. The problem is that you think you should get what top players get.
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    on this episode of people throwing this thread in the trash because people have opinions that can be garbage or great
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