How to counter the degenerate nodes in ACT 4.3.1?

Somebody please advice me, is there any strategy to counter the degeneration on all enemies in Act 4.3.1
I've to fight until my health dries and then have to use those revives & health potions
I've to fight until my health dries and then have to use those revives & health potions
heavy hitter(expinsive): Hyperion/AA/SW
Joe Fixit (dup)
Dr Strange(undup)
DD classic(undup)
And 5* 35
Iron fist (undup)
Very less numbers of regen champs. Suggest me the best champs to form a team.
The Degen takes you out in 60 Seconds regardless of health.
The first 4 you mentioned on that list along with the bottom 2 are all solid champions
Use these ones. You want to maximize damage output early in the fight, so things like bleed and coldsnap speed things up. Starlord can do good damage, but he relies on longer fights to get to his full potential. You don't have time to build up his hit streak.
Wolvie has bleed and regen, probably your best option. Advice: DO NOT USE HIS SPECIALS. His regen is based on how much power he has (more power = more regen).
Guilly has awesome bleed and can health steal so she regens a little.
Hype hits like a truck and can end fights quickly. Parry -> heavy attack -> repeat until you have 2 cosmic charges and SP3. Match over
Iceman: Spam his SP1 and keep his coldsnap running
Drax: stack as many bleeds as you can.
You can also use Hawkeye. His SP1 has really good bleed and power control.
Even with all of this, you'll likely need a revive or two and some health pots for each line.
Use a special to break a debuff on your champ. If a debuff is on AI, don't use special as much as possible. Take care of Wolverine and he takes care of your quest.
This round 1 is tough but not the next 5.
Personally I used the following:
5* X23 (MVP #1)
4* LC (duped) (MVP #2)
4* AA
I don't remember what were the last 2 champs that I had used
He was a maxed 3*.
I also used a dr voodoo.
Rest of champs I picked heavy hitters but those two were my mainstays.