Debuff immune include passive?

JockJonnyJockJonny Member Posts: 237 ★★
Title says it. Facing debuff immune hulkling and I have Wiccan in AW. Do the passive incinerates still apply?
Don’t ever remember actually testing this out in game so just thought I’d ask before I rush in and die haha


  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    passive effects will work on debuff immune
    Only if the node said something like " Immune to X effect" then the defender will immune to all kind of debuff , as debuff or as passive
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Debuffs and passive abilites are different.
    Both are effects.
    But one is active debuff and one is passive.
    Immune to debuff means immune to debuff only.
    Immune to xxx effect means immune to all kinds of that effect regardless of debuff or passive.

    Buffs and passives are the same thing.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Wiccan's Passive incinerates from his 'Flame' spell will work just fine.

    However, the Incinerate debuffs from Hulkling's buffs failing won't apply. Also, his Shock/Degeneration debuffs won't apply, so he won't place any Plasma, either.

    So he'll work somewhat, but will be a lot less effective than usual.
  • JockJonnyJockJonny Member Posts: 237 ★★
    Sweet. Thx guys. I went in with Wiccan and destroyed him with the passive incinerates👍
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