Magentos Sig Ability being Bugged is starting to get annoyinng

Hes supposed to cap all damage from a single source to ~4,000 at sig 200.
I remember you used to not be able to harvest him with galan, now people can do harvest damage on him, and somehow people can CGR a 180k health sig 200 magneto in 40 seconds? With a 4k damage cap? And crit resistance?
I sigged him all the way to 200 just for his ability to not work, I contacted to kabam and said they could only reimburse 25 for THEIR ability not working.
Crazyy bruh no wonder so many people are beating my mags fast
I remember you used to not be able to harvest him with galan, now people can do harvest damage on him, and somehow people can CGR a 180k health sig 200 magneto in 40 seconds? With a 4k damage cap? And crit resistance?
I sigged him all the way to 200 just for his ability to not work, I contacted to kabam and said they could only reimburse 25 for THEIR ability not working.
Crazyy bruh no wonder so many people are beating my mags fast
This shouldnt be possible with his damage cap
Also, as others have pointed out, the cap is actually 10% of health vs. 4k, so the OP generally misunderstands Red Mags sig ability and we are trying to help them understand the reality.
What's the biggest hit on mags?
Can you post the fight details screenshot.
Hopefully this clears up one of the biggest misunderstandings people have about Galan and Harvest. (I use Galan to ignore Rage)
These red number types will bypass magnetos protection.
As far as I'm aware, and concerned, Galan's Harvest has always been Multiple Detonations at once. Why that doesn't bypass Rage is curious to me, but oh well, it is what it is.
Just spitballing here, never really paid attention to this
Rage on the other hand caps all damage. Lol damage cap also only applies to hits. Even aar can bypass it.
Also, for red mags you didn't bypass the cap. It just never applied to auxiliary damage
It makes sense with Red Mags too as an Auxiliary Dmg ignoring the cap. Now I need to check if Juggs does the same with his burst dmg at 10 Unstoppable during SP2 🤔