Keep (bring back) solo incursions please

BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
Too many ppl don’t play incursions, especially older accounts. Can u plz just keep SOLO for incursions with same rewards so we don’t have to waste time waiting for ppl that won’t join. Side note really wanting Solo rewards for incursions (dam
Good rewards). Invited like 10x, 0 accepted. I know many others going through same. Last month we could just do incursions by ourselves. Friends or ally members would be best way, but most are sleep when I get on. Not even “find a match” option right now?!?! Why?!?! Just trying to get solo event rewards, but can’t get cause of other ppl. Pretty unfair. Help make it easier please. Some ppl can only play for a few hours a day, but what time of day ur able to play makes a huge difference for things like this, and IT SHOUKD NOT BE THAT WAY!!!


  • ZekirZekir Member Posts: 155 ★★

    Whatchu talkin bout fam? Solo is still here...
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    bro, lay off the drugs man.
    your brain is fried.
  • RonSwansonRonSwanson Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    Pretty sure they did keep it.....
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    I’ll take some of what you’ve got bro! Must be wild
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    Call it what the hell ever u want. If it works for u and definitely NOT there when I literally tried. Chalk that up to Kabam and all the endless bugs and broken game!!! I’m not stupid, I literally tried several times over 2 days, and SOLO was NOT AN OPTION FOR ME!!!! I will try again now and see if it appears, cause dam sure was NOT an option!!!
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    Now it actually IS working?!?! Thx for all the less than helpful and negative stupid comments for something that wasn’t my fault. Appreciate everyone judging, like the game isn’t full of endless bugs tbst affect different players in different ways. Don’t ever walk a mile in some other players shoes for bugs, just judge because it doesn’t affect u?!?! That’s how community is supposed to work right??? Wrong!!!
    Never know what bugs/glitches someone else has to deal with. Next time??? Less judging cause u aren’t personally dealing with it at that time. More actual helpfulness would be appreciated. 3 tabs, “invite, find a partner, solo”. Only far left tab (available was an option) for 2 nights straight. Judge Kabam not me for it not working. Can only play was Kabam days is available
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    And yes. I went through all the tiers for the champs I had selected, wasn’t working. Is now. Of course “not a bug” or glitch in the game. Cause never a 100 of those. Guess if it didn’t affect u??? It’s not real and didn’t happen. Cause that’s how bugs and glitches work right??? U ppl r funny.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Bman said:

    And yes. I went through all the tiers for the champs I had selected, wasn’t working. Is now. Of course “not a bug” or glitch in the game. Cause never a 100 of those. Guess if it didn’t affect u??? It’s not real and didn’t happen. Cause that’s how bugs and glitches work right??? U ppl r funny.

    Bug or not theres a Big enter solo button so i think You could asume it was a non enter solo related bug or a bug at least a bug something Your original post didnt say
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,101 ★★★★★
    If you tried running it and it didn’t work, I’m sure you restarted the game as tried again, otherwise you wouldn’t come here after one try, but then… where are the screenshots?
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023
    Maybe this is a time traveller from future where solo incursion doesn't exist. He has come to warn us. Just take a caution. Will check back after some years.
    Also it may depict we will have lack of social engagement in future.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,210 ★★★★★
    Bman said:

    And yes. I went through all the tiers for the champs I had selected, wasn’t working. Is now. Of course “not a bug” or glitch in the game. Cause never a 100 of those. Guess if it didn’t affect u??? It’s not real and didn’t happen. Cause that’s how bugs and glitches work right??? U ppl r funny.

  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Bman said:

    Call it what the hell ever u want. If it works for u and definitely NOT there when I literally tried. Chalk that up to Kabam and all the endless bugs and broken game!!! I’m not stupid, I literally tried several times over 2 days, and SOLO was NOT AN OPTION FOR ME!!!! I will try again now and see if it appears, cause dam sure was NOT an option!!!

    You gotta provide screenshots for stuff like this, bud. Otherwise, you're just putting yourself out there to get picked on. NEVER post complaints on the Forums without receipts. Glad the Solo option is back for you.
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