Gold Track Selector question

SlonerkoSlonerko Member Posts: 4
For the Double Track Event, when you have a selectable reward (Gold Track Selector) do you receive all the rewards based on the Story Milestone you pick (e.g. "Cavalier"), or do you also have to pick the reward within that category (e.g., "Mythic Crystal Shard x 750)?


  • ShineUpLinkShineUpLink Member Posts: 55
    All rewards are given to you just have to have that specific title and you’ll be able to get that reward or you can choose a lower tier if you’re crazy like that lol
  • SlonerkoSlonerko Member Posts: 4
    Thank you! I could have sworn that today's rewards would have given me enough crystal shards to put me over the threshold for a new 6* crystal, but I was still a few hundred short.

    I probably just had the wrong # in my head. This helps clarify things.
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