gladiator side quest fight

is the ai supposed to be like that? ‘cause it says he’s more aggressive but he just isn’t, he’s the opposite of that, and the movements are just so strange. and it’s not even really a hard fight, it’s just incredibly annoying and makes me wonder if he’s meant to be like that or if they did something wrong when developing the character or the quest because it’s kinda taking all the fun out of it and it’s just super annoying to get through.
Probably sunk more revives on him than I have for any of the story bosses (genuinely true, and I have completed 8.2 to put things into perspective).
The uncooperative AI and the insane bane dmg is just horrible. I'm using a r5 silk btw, she destroys him if the AI behaves, but more often than not the AI plays like an absolute prat.