I want a featured champ which is already in basic.

Sandman is the only featured that I haven't pulled currently and I really want him a lot, mainly for war but 15,000 shards are kinda big problem, but I found out that Sandman is available in basic crystals. I've wasted quite a lot shards for him.
So should I keep opening featured or open Dual Science/mystic crystals for cheaper price? Or getting sigs on new stars is more worth it? Now is your time to influence the decision making of THE Paragon.
So should I keep opening featured or open Dual Science/mystic crystals for cheaper price? Or getting sigs on new stars is more worth it? Now is your time to influence the decision making of THE Paragon.
I want a featured champ which is already in basic. 32 votes
Keep in mind the Class Crystals as well.
So I went to just straight basic crystals to maximize my 7* shard acquisition rate.
Funny enough, I pulled sandman in one of those basics.