Whom to R4

Have completed 7.4 and one more R4 will take me to Paragon. Please suggest.

PS: tried to make a poll but it won't take more than one option from me

PS: tried to make a poll but it won't take more than one option from me
Also whom isn't correct here right? I'm still trying to figure out English language but I thought it's who
Hey, who helped you get there and what’s your next content?
Just “assurance” yourself to picking what you already know.
@smdam38 - I think people might just want advice as sometimes a champ might get nerfed like Zemo or have uncertainty with their mechanics like Rintrah. The community will always point the summoner the right way. Well, hopefully the the right way.
Sorry @LeoZed.
Was uncalled for.
Herc is easy call. Love Shang Chi as well. You have too many great options.