Loyalty store update

HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
Is there any date for this update? Kabam promised it will be live at the end of September, but it would be good to know exact time, thanks!


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Probably 29th with the "offers"
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,349 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023
    29th is the livestream and Kabam Jax will say "We are already seeing it in comments, i don't know if you already noticed but we have updated loyalty store".

    I m just wondering how the bundle thing ties up here if it does.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    Is there any date for this update? Kabam promised it will be live at the end of September, but it would be good to know exact time, thanks!

    i have heard some dudes saying that the updated store will allow you to trade 9000 loyalty for 50 7 star crystal shards. But i am not too sure about it tbh , especially after what kabam did a few minutes earlier
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    29th the last offer will go live for Cap Store Event … which is a Loyalty Selector (probably different amount of loyalty depending on your progression title).

    Guess it will serve the purpose that everyone I mean whales can afford the new 7* Loyalty Crystal … so I expect the Update next week.
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