Pretty bad event

1111 units for a 5* and 555 for a 4*. This might be the worst event ever. The last few months were pretty amazing and then they bring out the Commissary. The cherry on top is that they think a 7* CW is a great prize. Saving my units for Cyber Weekend.
I have no idea what the point is except to fool brand new players into thinking these are exceptional deals.
End the event and never mention it again in my opinion.
At least I now know it is not possible for me to complete the Solo Event.
So I can stop bother lol
This event sure make history as one of the worst thoughtout event in MCOC lol
1. She throws stuff
2. She goes unstoppable
3. She is Luke's gf and throws him as well
She would probably throw Kabam staffs after seeing the event so they treat her as trophy champ out of respect.
The only good thing is, she's insane in defense, and being a trophy champ prevents her from being a headache in bgs