Still time to improve the Commissary event…

Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 411 ★★★
Kabam, you’ve got five days before the 29th. Figure out a way for us to trade in some of the lesser resources that pile up. I’m talking about solo objective, greater solo objectives shards; t4cc fragment crystals; arena boost crystals, etc.

No one will expect to trade something of little / zero value for really incredible items, but there’s probably a way for you to make it fun. Let us trade the low-value stuff for some kind of low-chance crystal with a rare champ. Even if the drop rate is .1% or something, I will still throw down several million solo objectives crystal shards for a few minutes of entertainment…


  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Not gonna happen. LOL
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 964 ★★★★
    While I agreed that most likely Kabam won't do anything and swept it under the carpet, move on and expect players just to forget about it.

    Personally I would hope that Kabam made some small change to try and save this event.

    So far this event is giving a lot of players (big spender, moderate spender, ftp) a sour taste. Then there is rhe Mythic crystala and Root issue a few months back. Overall not a very positive mood coming towards the biggest Sales season in MCOC (Cyber & XMas).

    There deals that already out, players already seen and didn't buy(most didn't like it, they saw the final rewards and they stille didn't buy). So it is a flop Sales.

    So it would be good for Kabam and the community if they try to scavenger this event, and to be honest it wont take much.


    Make the Loyalty Trade In offer an affordable one with purchass limited of 2.

    That would help save scavenger this event.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,423 ★★★★★
    Still time to make it better = still time to make it worse
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 964 ★★★★

    Still time to make it better = still time to make it worse

    Hi @BringPopcorn

    Now this I can agreed with you on lol.

    Just trying to hold on to the last bit of "hope" lol
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