Who would you invest sigs in - Silk or FAM?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,459 ★★★★
Managed to pull Silk as a 6* today, and thinking I’m going to take her straight to R4 and awaken her.

I’m also considering sigging her up - but also have been debating doing the same with FAM. I can get one of them to sig 200 but not both.

What do you all think?

Who would you invest sigs in - Silk or FAM? 23 votes

Sig up Silk over FAM
JimmyBFerahgoMrSakuragi 3 votes
Sig up FAM over Silk
IamnikeSachhyam257Gulfstream550JUNAID_123PikoluQacobLordSmasherHera1d_of_Ga1actusPowerofpain1001ItsClobberinTimeBurrito2525Wasy1UltragamerLickyAegonTargarуenJohny_JoestarDanRoseBrickWad_TD44Raiden01Masdo 20 votes
Neither (please explain)


  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,026 ★★★★★
    Silk doesn’t need sigs, not for about Fantman
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    Sig up FAM over Silk
    Fantman is the better choice, simple as that.

    Of course if you much prefer silk and want to get the most out of her, don't let anyone stop you.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,256 ★★★★
    Sig up FAM over Silk
    I have a r5 silk at sig 70 and a r4 FAM at 130. Going to sig200 FAM first. I run 3/3 despair, and at sig 70 silk is already good enough for most heavy regen matchups. Obviously, she could be EVEN faster for those matchups at sig200, but I think of it as the cherry on top. She gets her slow at sig1 and that's the most important part of the sig ability imo.
    For FAM, he needs sig 200 for the -90% bleed and incinerate duration, which I feel needs to be at max to be on the safer side. Also, the extra regen is nice to have, makes him tankier on offense and defense.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,459 ★★★★
    Thanks all - exactly what I needed.
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