Champs losing health during a connection issue.
Why is that whenever there is a connection issue during a fight in alliance quest or alliance war, it is only our champ which has to lose half of its health and only a.i which has to gain full health again. Why cant both the champs get to their previous health before the fight was started. This has been happening for a while and this is annoying. Please solve this problem cause this is cheating. I dont want my champ to go to half health just coz i had a connection issue.
In this case, our champ should not lose 50% health.
True but it can't differentiate from an actual disconnection as opposed to someone quiting or turning their phone off and on.
It's a flawed system, you get their " maintenances" or outages in the middle of you can kiss half your health goodbye, you get a call on certain devices kiss half your health goodbye etc.
It doesn't work right and they know it, but they like to drain us. I'm hoping they could put a better system in that actually can tell it apart.