Awakening 5* Kamala Khan and taking to Rank 4, any advice?

I tried my first shot at a featured 5 * crystal today and pulled a Kamala Kahn. I was hoping for hela so I could use my 5 star cosmic awakening gem.
Currently I have Iron Patriot Duped, Red Hulk, Colossus, Ant man, Rhino, Gambit, Agent Venom, Spider-man Symbiote, Ronan, Yellowjacket.
I awakened yellow jacket and took him to rank 3, but I really dislike playing this character. I've lost all hope in ever getting a good 5 star, so I think I'm going to go all in on Kamala Kahn. Anyone out there take theirs to rank 4 so I can see the stats, etc? Thank you so much.
Currently I have Iron Patriot Duped, Red Hulk, Colossus, Ant man, Rhino, Gambit, Agent Venom, Spider-man Symbiote, Ronan, Yellowjacket.
I awakened yellow jacket and took him to rank 3, but I really dislike playing this character. I've lost all hope in ever getting a good 5 star, so I think I'm going to go all in on Kamala Kahn. Anyone out there take theirs to rank 4 so I can see the stats, etc? Thank you so much.
she sucks really bad
Awaken Ronan! Or Spidey! Not KK! That's not OK!
Sorry if i'm yelling, you DON"T GET A LOT OF 5* AGEMS!
Heck, don't use the gem!
I really enjoy playing Kamala Kahn and thought maybe with Stark spidey's synergy she could possibly be decent.
lol, that was funny. Yeah, it'd probably reflect bad, but I think I've really given up hope on getting a good 5 star. They only come once a month if I'm lucky. So thought I can afford to take 2 champs to rank 4, why not just do one now.
So, was seriously hoping, that there was another person that took her up to r4 so I could see the stats, etc.
That being said, I am one of those people who can whip some arse with that character. Not pretending she is perfect, but I stack those Furies and decimate people when I am in the mood. She can hit hard, harder than more than a few characters
See, it's tricky. I have her duped twice, R3 as a four-star. Let me just say this: Yep, those extra furies matter and she can hit extremely hard when they are stacked -- distinctly recall a 3,200 L1.
That's enraged Hulk level, folks.
Again: Not saying I would use those resources at a 5-star level.
But I am saying I can see why someone would. She can hit pretty freaking hard
and 2 iron patriots.....
This was my thought exactly. I've already waited so long for a decent champ...
I did rank 4 my Kamala Kahn and absolutely loved her! She helped me finish the Expert Modok's lab every 8 hours with only needing to use a revive here and there. She also helped me fully explore my story quest that I was working on.
I knew it was going to happen... and it did. About 2-3 weeks after I ranked her up and awakened her, I pulled Hyperion... I can't be mad, I used the 5 star shards I couldn't have farmed with out her to get him...
Fortunately Kabam sent out rank down tickets and I chose to rank my Kahn down and take Hyperion all the way to rank 4. I can now patiently wait for a good 5 star mystic champion to use my awakening gem on now that I finally have my top tier champion...