Awakening 5* Kamala Khan and taking to Rank 4, any advice?

MasterFlintMasterFlint Member Posts: 97
I tried my first shot at a featured 5 * crystal today and pulled a Kamala Kahn. I was hoping for hela so I could use my 5 star cosmic awakening gem.

Currently I have Iron Patriot Duped, Red Hulk, Colossus, Ant man, Rhino, Gambit, Agent Venom, Spider-man Symbiote, Ronan, Yellowjacket.

I awakened yellow jacket and took him to rank 3, but I really dislike playing this character. I've lost all hope in ever getting a good 5 star, so I think I'm going to go all in on Kamala Kahn. Anyone out there take theirs to rank 4 so I can see the stats, etc? Thank you so much.


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I'm thinking this has to be a troll post but he does have a rank 3 YJ lol. @MasterFlint hope you didn't burn a 5* awakening gem on YJ but personally I like using him. But you can't have played long enough to get to level 60 and be really asking this question so I vote troll.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Rhino, Spidey Symby, YellowJacket, Ronan, Gambit, AV, even Rhulk maybe are better!
    Awaken Ronan! Or Spidey! Not KK! That's not OK!
    Sorry if i'm yelling, you DON"T GET A LOT OF 5* AGEMS!
    Heck, don't use the gem!
  • MasterFlintMasterFlint Member Posts: 97
    Yes, I did use an awakening gem on YJ, was hoping for a hulk, but didn't pull one.

    I really enjoy playing Kamala Kahn and thought maybe with Stark spidey's synergy she could possibly be decent.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    You're guaranteed to get alliance invites if you R4 KK
  • MasterFlintMasterFlint Member Posts: 97
    phillgreen wrote: »
    You're guaranteed to get alliance invites if you R4 KK

    lol, that was funny. Yeah, it'd probably reflect bad, but I think I've really given up hope on getting a good 5 star. They only come once a month if I'm lucky. So thought I can afford to take 2 champs to rank 4, why not just do one now.

    So, was seriously hoping, that there was another person that took her up to r4 so I could see the stats, etc.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    OK. First things first: I wouldn't use a gem on KK.

    That being said, I am one of those people who can whip some arse with that character. Not pretending she is perfect, but I stack those Furies and decimate people when I am in the mood. She can hit hard, harder than more than a few characters
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Well, it's entirely up to you. Embiggen isn't very popular, but she has some qualities that are useful. She has Fury that is not bad, but she relies a great deal on her Heavies to use it strongly, after Specials. Problem is, in harder Fights, using Heavy is not the best option all the time. She is Immune to Poison, and removes Armor Up. If you want to use it, I have no judgment. However, I might have to side with the majority on this one and say save it, just because of the rarity of 5* Gems.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Honestly if you like her do it lol. It's your team. But you are bound to get a good champ eventually.
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    zero7 wrote: »
    im on the same page with you re: kamala khan. i really like fighting with her. parrys are so easy following a 5-hit combo ending in a medium attack. the timing is just right. i don’t have her 4* awakened, so i’m not sure what kind of difference the extra furies do, but i say do it if you like her! honestly, i would at least r3 mine because i like her. not sure about r4 though. t2a gets pretty valuable.

    ps. i’m not trolling you ;)

    See, it's tricky. I have her duped twice, R3 as a four-star. Let me just say this: Yep, those extra furies matter and she can hit extremely hard when they are stacked -- distinctly recall a 3,200 L1.

    That's enraged Hulk level, folks.

    Again: Not saying I would use those resources at a 5-star level.

    But I am saying I can see why someone would. She can hit pretty freaking hard

  • PincheChingonPincheChingon Member Posts: 99
    Wait for Hyperion, Medusa, Hela. Those are best cosmic available rn
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Looks like you have my luck with 5* pulls. Got a freaking 5* science awakening gem today . They better add some OP science champs soon because the class sucks. Hulk is the only one worthy of a gem. The rest who cares. Oh btw duped Rulk right after in both 5* and 4*. Your not alone!
  • Jean_gryJean_gry Member Posts: 34
    I can't believe this is a real post... I'm in shock. First the disappointing cyber Monday deals and now my disappointment in humanity... I need to go to sleep. Tomorrow has to be better.
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    you poor ####### all of your five stars are trash other then agent venom
    and 2 iron patriots.....
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Take her to rank 4 man. She's elite. I'm part of the Kamala Club too. Only true MCOC players are in this exclusive club.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Early entrant into the post of the year contest. haha
  • NMEONESNMEONES Member Posts: 292 ★★
    Dude, it took me almost a year to get a worthy 5*. Just hold off. Once u do get a god tier 5*, the whole game will change for you. Don't waste your gem now, be patient...
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    ITS A TRAP!!
  • The_Mighty_ToeThe_Mighty_Toe Member Posts: 132
    I’d R4 her. I plan to R4 antman. Why wait six months for a better champ?? In six months you will have enough T2a to rank up the champ you were waiting on and KK. Only difference would between you and someone who waited is the increased amount of arena points ands content finished. It’s the people that wait that are losers.
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  • MasterFlintMasterFlint Member Posts: 97
    I’d R4 her. I plan to R4 antman. Why wait six months for a better champ?? In six months you will have enough T2a to rank up the champ you were waiting on and KK. Only difference would between you and someone who waited is the increased amount of arena points ands content finished. It’s the people that wait that are losers.

    This was my thought exactly. I've already waited so long for a decent champ...

    I did rank 4 my Kamala Kahn and absolutely loved her! She helped me finish the Expert Modok's lab every 8 hours with only needing to use a revive here and there. She also helped me fully explore my story quest that I was working on.

    I knew it was going to happen... and it did. About 2-3 weeks after I ranked her up and awakened her, I pulled Hyperion... I can't be mad, I used the 5 star shards I couldn't have farmed with out her to get him...

    Fortunately Kabam sent out rank down tickets and I chose to rank my Kahn down and take Hyperion all the way to rank 4. I can now patiently wait for a good 5 star mystic champion to use my awakening gem on now that I finally have my top tier champion...

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