Spidey 2099 Relic bug

What Champion were you using? 7* Spiderman classic
What Relic were you using? Spidey 2099
What Champion were you fighting against? Dormammu
Describe the Issue The Accelerated Dexterity rune is supposed to prevent the dexterity buff from triggering but it's acting as though it still occurs with zero duration, because it's still triggering degen against Dormammu
What actions did you use leading into this? (ie. I launched the Striker after a MLLLLM Combo) dexed an attack from Dorm
Any other information that you think is important

What Relic were you using? Spidey 2099
What Champion were you fighting against? Dormammu
Describe the Issue The Accelerated Dexterity rune is supposed to prevent the dexterity buff from triggering but it's acting as though it still occurs with zero duration, because it's still triggering degen against Dormammu
What actions did you use leading into this? (ie. I launched the Striker after a MLLLLM Combo) dexed an attack from Dorm
Any other information that you think is important

In other words whats happening is :
- You dex
- You get the dex buff
- Dex buff expires because of the immunity
- Dorma triggers degen becasue of sig ability
Its not like dex buff wasnt there at all, it DOES trigger but you dont see it because immunity kicks right in, in fact it expires which makes dorma cause degen