Deathless Champions Important Question

Does anyone know if the Deathless Champions just announced will be available forever or a limited-time thing? I don't want to be locked out of Deathless Guillotine because I couldn't beat the Victory Track in BGS12.
But it's Kabam, they might put them on sale at some point probably during bonus champ acquisition. Like $50 to $100 per missed piece.
Would really hate for this to be an event that is restricted to paying players. I would assume that it would have some way around that, but we'll see.
1 piece free (confirmed)
1 piece from some insane 7* content solo quest
1 piece from some insane 7* alliance content or bg (confirmed)
1 piece from some insane 7* content incursions quest
1 piece that will have to be bought with real money
the best f2p and actual average players can hope for is that they turn out to be way more trouble to get than they are worth lmao