Loyalty deal is really good !

Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 912 ★★★
yup , i was expecting a much more expensive price . Solid job on keeping it at 1.5 mil kabam !


  • ShevvelShevvel Member Posts: 185
    Two weeks ago I too used 1 mil loyalty for t6bc and t3a. Half each. I missed this offer. Lame as always..
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
    Just as a general point, this was way better than the last loyalty update almost a year ago. They actually announced the store update around a month ago if I remember correctly.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 776 ★★★
    edited September 2023

    Just as a general point, this was way better than the last loyalty update almost a year ago. They actually announced the store update around a month ago if I remember correctly.

    This is for the trade in event, has nothing to do with the loyalty store.

    Though I agree the new store is pretty dang good
  • SilentArisSilentAris Member Posts: 84
    I am caveliar I saved the loyalties like 1.28 million and grind aq for solo event points I was 1k away for 900 units milestone so I buyed the loyalty for 888 units and got 900 units and rank 4-5 gem ( which I can't use now)
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