Loyalty Selector Bundle?

Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
edited September 2023 in General Discussion
Would it be worth it to spend 1.5 million loyalty on the Loyalty Selector bundle as a Thronebreaker? The 4-5 gem isn't going to get me any closer to Paragon, plus I might not even have a champion of the right class at rank 4 to use it on, but it seems like it could be good value. I could also get a 6* Apocalypse or CGR. However, I could also just spend the loyalty on rank up mats to get me closer to Paragon. What do you guys think would be the best choice here?

Loyalty Selector Bundle? 36 votes

Get the 6* 4-5 gem
buffajrcaptaincushCropDusterMaxtheSilentSachhyam257Moosetiptronic10or_Strongdjr17OurobørosPikoluShadowReptileSkydad23Bigfoot33RenaxqqGiantwalrus56JayPafSearmenisJefechutaWOLF_LINKThePredator1001 26 votes
Get 6* Apocalypse
Get 6* CGR
SnakeEyes69Pacheco8000Licky_Rick87_Mohammad07 5 votes
Save for rank 4 mats/save for the future
SammyDeDrago_von_DragoThe_losttierDanRoseMcDaddy069420 5 votes


  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    Get the 6* 4-5 gem
    That 4-5 might not be useful immediately but it will give you a huge boost in power. If you pull a class that you don’t have a r4 on then you can choose champ from that class to focus on and then take them from r3 to r5 in one jump. That will be a huge boost in power. Do not pick the 6* selector!! You’ll regret it in the very near future
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    Save for rank 4 mats/save for the future
    I wish I read your post before I bought the 7* from the loyalty store. Then proceeded to buy the loyalty trade in deal thinking that will get me 1,000 points. Now I have to spend 3k units on my mini account to get the Loyalty selector bundle…
    Wish I slept more last night (and not sick).
    Still a bargain for the rank 5 gem compared to the 8,888 deal above…
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