Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


Guys I’m really struggling with mephisito Any tips would really help.


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    MiniMFMiniMF Posts: 848 ★★★★
    send your roster champs so we can help you ranking up a good counter
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    MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,030 ★★★★
    Is there any chance you can get that herc awakened? There are a lot of generic gems being given out rn in EQ
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    DRTODRTO Posts: 1,630 ★★★★★
    Got a 4* void? he's a good mephisto counter
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    PristineWaterPristineWater Posts: 46
    I used awakened gwenpool, she can tank his specials with her plot armor. If not, purgatory and sunspot are both incinerate immune so they can help a lot! Remember to bait out his heavy as you can punish it quite easily, than get him to SP1. If you get too agressive he can do a lot of dmg with SP2 & SP3. The key is playing slowly, being too agressive can cause him to get more openings.

    Hope this helps!

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