EQ Reward Chests

Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
edited October 2023 in General Discussion
I gather that it's RNG, but is there any chance at getting some sort of overlay/info graphic showing us the contents of the chests and the odds of draw?

I can't say for certain about the previous chapters, but I know with complete certainty that I didn't pull anything other than ISO bricks on the final two chapters of Thronebreaker difficulty. Two chests on each path, five paths, two chapters: That's twenty chests, and I pulled nothing but ISO. Again, yes it's RNG - but when the rewards spawned on the paths and I could see what path had what reward, I could at least guarantee myself getting something I wanted if it spawned.

There were several times where a node would spawn with two regens.

This was promoted as a positive change. Enhanced rewards. Not making us feel like we had to rerun paths.
I'm not seeing the enhanced rewards tbh. Rather, even more ISO is not the type of enhanced rewards I would like from running Thronebreaker EQ paths. Also, why are you concerned with whether or not someone makes the decision for themselves to rerun a path for a reward? If they're choosing to do that, clearly they value that item over the energy cost to get it.

I ask that you please consider reverting this - or at the very least show full transparency on what is in the chests and the draw percentage (assuming this also changes depending on rarity of chest and challenge of EQ).


  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I posted this response on the other thread talking about this topic, but because I attempted to edit it the post itself is stuck in some limbo saying it needs to be approved before it will appear so I'm posting it here.

    I have completely explored Thronebreaker and actually have the final two chapters recorded, that's twenty chests, all ISO Bricks. I can't say with 100% certainty but I'm pretty confident I didn't receive anything from the chests aside from ISO and I know it for a fact on the final two chapters.

    I'm currently exploring Contender difficulty for the units. I'm more than half way through, 100% ISO bricks so far.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax I'm truly sorry to ping you but I think we would all really like some official response to this. I gather it's RNG but these drop rates seem to be pretty extremely slanted in favour of ISO. This change was promoted on the live stream as being positive and giving enhanced rewards - I would really like to see an infographic with honest disclosures as to the drop rates for the rarity of chests/difficulty of EQ.

    I don't think any of us actually minded seeing what rewards we could get, even if that meant we might have to repeat a path. That was our choice to make.
  • UnyonfaceUnyonface Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    Usually the revives are on the paths. I’ve 100% TB and there wasn’t a single revive on any path in any chapter.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,640 ★★★★★
    I was hopeful that the chests may actually contain revives/potions but so far between last month and this month, I have only gotten a L3 potion which randomly spawned on one of the paths. There was nothing but iso from the chests. I fully explored uncollected-TB and about 80% of other difficulties last month and I am half way through cav and TB this month.
  • XFREEDOMXXFREEDOMX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    They said these chests were gonna be better and they are removing the RNG aspect! They did remove the RNG and instead made it a 100% ISO-only drop.
    I have finished paragon, cav, uncollected, and got 100% of ISO.
  • KallaiRKallaiR Member Posts: 30
    i am in the same boat. 100% done all monthly content and no revives at all from those chests.

    kabam probably decided that the only source for "free" revives will be 22h solo events and apothecary...
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    The notes that were made during the live stream:

    "Improved experience as valuable items no longer spawn on paths that have been completed"

    So, this is an implication that the items are now in the chests. But if not, then what exactly is the improved experience? We can no longer see the rewards we get, but hey, upside is that we no longer have the option to repeat a path if we want to because there's a reward we value.

    To me, the note above would translate into an improved experience if it actually meant the following: All valuable item rewards (such as potions, revives, energy) have been added to the chests so that when you complete the path, you receive some iso and a chance at these valuable items.

    If however you have already completed a path, valuable items will no longer spawn in that chest so the remaining chests have a slightly improved chance at getting things like potions, revives, etc...

    "Introduction of more valuable consumables to chests, beginning with level 4 Health Potions in Thronebreaker difficulty"

    Anecdotally, this is certainly not what I'm seeing. I'm getting nothing but ISO. I also want clarification on whether or not that means outside of Thronebreaker difficulty there are valuable consumables in chests, or is that saying that the least valuable item in the Thronebreaker chest is Level 4 potions? This is why I'm saying an infographic of what is actually in the chests would be nice.

    "Chest drops will be monitored and updated to ensure they are more rewarding to players than past combined chest and path rewards were."

    I hope this is true. It's only been two EQs since the implementation, but on the first I actually received some consumables where as this time I've had nothing but ISO.

    Again, I understand that it's RNG, I would just like to see what the actual contents of the chests are and the drop rates. I'd like some clarity on these points instead of just having it left vague and being told "We said we increased your rewards!"
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Just to help with your thread, @Darkness275 this is a screenshot from the official Twitch summary:

    Reference: https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/twitch-stream-summary-september/
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★

    Just to help with your thread, @Darkness275 this is a screenshot from the official Twitch summary:

    Reference: https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/twitch-stream-summary-september/

    Thanks, I was going to include that but wanted to address each point individually so I wrote them out, appreciated though.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,640 ★★★★★
    This will be filed at the back along with updated general questing potions!! Not sure if we will get an acknowledgment though.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    No official response from Kabam, but this EQ alone I've noticed a difference. I've already received some potions and a revive (lvl 1). Thronebreaker difficulty, not yet 100%. Still a lot of ISO, but no longer 100% drop, so Kabam - if this was actually observed and addressed: Thank you.
  • cur53dcur53d Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Nothing but iso for the past 2 months. It's a joke
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