Adam Warlock stasis pod stun

Dear @Kabam Miike and Game team
My 6* R5 sig 200 ascended Adam Warlock keeps getting stuned while stasis pod is active... This makes Adam Warlock impossible to play in Abyss of Legends. I use my sp2 and after entering the stasis pod, the opponent keeps stun locking me until my Adam gets KO or has 10%. Could the game team make Adam stun immune while in stasis pod because this make him impossible to play in endgame contents where he should break the meta since he has an attacker kit ?
My 6* R5 sig 200 ascended Adam Warlock keeps getting stuned while stasis pod is active... This makes Adam Warlock impossible to play in Abyss of Legends. I use my sp2 and after entering the stasis pod, the opponent keeps stun locking me until my Adam gets KO or has 10%. Could the game team make Adam stun immune while in stasis pod because this make him impossible to play in endgame contents where he should break the meta since he has an attacker kit ?