Rank down ticket

We already know there are 7* champs in game now very exited to get 7* champ but some 6* R4 also we getting as 7* we worked hard on 6* to upgrade and when we get same champ as 7* we can't use them in bg . So i request to provide atleast one rank down ticket of 6* of each class so we can focus on other champs and can make bg roaster better . Thank you
After reading it like 8 times I think you're mad because: You can't use 2 of the same champ at different star levels in BG, so if you put in the 7* you can't use the 6*. In turn making it so the 6*s R4 go unused and you "have" to put in 6* R3s?
If that's your complaint that is without a doubt just stupid, rankups are final, people knew 7*s would be coming one day. And the BG excuse is aweful because the announcement of 7*s becoming a thing was rougly around the same time as BGs S1. So if at that point you thought you'd have a problem with this, you should have stopped ranking 6*