Just some insight regarding a Rank 4 Ascended Sig 200 Classic Spidey

6 Months ago, Spidey was buffed. I am saying this as honestly as I can. Spidey is a 6.5/10 BUFFED champ. I cope. and I cope HARD. like really hard. I put him (as a R4 Sig 200 Ascended) with his full synergy team (or a Combat power rate Synergy or just attk rating synergy) with Attack boosts just to feel like he is awesome. In reality, its disappointing. I try to be positive about him. But its really really and I like really mean it. Really hard.
No Suicide Masteries. Technically R5 . . .Technically. and it's 1:50 v. ROL Winter Soldier. Which isn't bad. Not saying he's bad. It's just that without synergies, his Targeted Health Pool seems to be 250k? Like even then, He's nothing special even in that Health Pool. The annoying part is that he comes incredibly close to being able to take out 500k HP with 3 Sp1 and 2 Sp2, but if you don't Crit, you have to do ANOTHER sp2. Which is Way less than Ideal.
Let's take Viv for example, as a R3. She takes a BG health Pool with 1 Sp 2 and 3 REALY QUICK Special 1's (Cuz Power steal). She excels in a specific health pool. and does it efficiently. Spidey is CONFUSED. Like he CAN do ROL Health pools in a "full rotation" but falls short. UNLESS he has Synergies. Synergies should take Champs (especially new champs or buffed champs) up a little bit, not make it feel necessary (that's for outdated champions). And for Classic Spidey (Buffed in April) to feel like he NEEDS his synergies to shine is a sign that already makes him "Outdated" upon getting his buff.
So Can he get his Armor Break Back? Pls? It was a piece of Utility Unique to only him, and it would be awesome to have it back.
His Buffed kit has a good layout, maybe just needs a Little Bit more. Its a fun design. With Synergies, he Slaps but it shouldn't feel mandatory to get Damage. Pls.
I am gonna provide some videos if they can at all do anything. Maybe provide some insight into what I am saying. Or just anything really.
I know this probably won't happen. Many others have asked for a slight bump in his kit as well with no return. I get it. Probably won't even look at this message. It's not important. But imma still ask anyway.
No Suicide Masteries. Technically R5 . . .Technically. and it's 1:50 v. ROL Winter Soldier. Which isn't bad. Not saying he's bad. It's just that without synergies, his Targeted Health Pool seems to be 250k? Like even then, He's nothing special even in that Health Pool. The annoying part is that he comes incredibly close to being able to take out 500k HP with 3 Sp1 and 2 Sp2, but if you don't Crit, you have to do ANOTHER sp2. Which is Way less than Ideal.
Let's take Viv for example, as a R3. She takes a BG health Pool with 1 Sp 2 and 3 REALY QUICK Special 1's (Cuz Power steal). She excels in a specific health pool. and does it efficiently. Spidey is CONFUSED. Like he CAN do ROL Health pools in a "full rotation" but falls short. UNLESS he has Synergies. Synergies should take Champs (especially new champs or buffed champs) up a little bit, not make it feel necessary (that's for outdated champions). And for Classic Spidey (Buffed in April) to feel like he NEEDS his synergies to shine is a sign that already makes him "Outdated" upon getting his buff.
So Can he get his Armor Break Back? Pls? It was a piece of Utility Unique to only him, and it would be awesome to have it back.
His Buffed kit has a good layout, maybe just needs a Little Bit more. Its a fun design. With Synergies, he Slaps but it shouldn't feel mandatory to get Damage. Pls.
I am gonna provide some videos if they can at all do anything. Maybe provide some insight into what I am saying. Or just anything really.


I know this probably won't happen. Many others have asked for a slight bump in his kit as well with no return. I get it. Probably won't even look at this message. It's not important. But imma still ask anyway.

And she's by no means the heaviest hitting science champ.
The original and most famous marvel character, taking over twice the time, at the same power level, is sad.
@Kabam Jax any chance of having OG Spidey added to the balance update reviews, as a one off?
Like one mess up and boom. All your taunts are gone and you have a mediocre hitting sp2.
I'm not trying to be disrespectful to the buff creator or anything. This is criticism. I see the way the buffed kit is going, but it falls short in practical use.
You want the taunt duration to be lengthened to be able to do damage. But the taunts still fall off very quickly. The short bursts of damage arent worth the effort. Yes they have the duration more than doubled from their normal duration. That's still 18.7 ish seconds. Which by the time you launch off a sp2 from your last sp1, will already be half fallen off. After the big sp2, they start drop like crazy. But you have them getting replenished via sp2 stun. It doesn't really bring it back up to number of taunts you worked so hard to get to. Then, you run out of power and the opponent (ROL) isnt dead. unless RNG or SYNERGIES.
The Sp2 Stun duration is pretty good. It's long enough to get to the next Sp2 and stack some taunts. It does it's job.
So. Without synergies, he lacks:
Crit Damage Rating
Form of base damage
Efficiency and dependability
Since he has a set of strong synergies but is mediocre at best on his own, a small retouch is all he needed to really stand on his own without being too strong after ramp up:
His pre buff armor break
His pre buff Crit rating
Some sort of way to pause his taunts (idea: they are paused for the duration of the Sp2 Stun. Not normal stuns just the Sp2 stun).
Allows his to finish a ROL fight reliably, without really changing much.
So with armor break he would hit slightly harder pre-ramp up (makes him more bearable)
With his old Crit Damage Rating his crits hit stronger (with armor break his medium hit should hit to about 5k, not much exceeding, as a Crit as a R4 Ascended)
And with the Sp2 stun taunt pause, His ramp up will be reliable and sustainable and reach higher output. (a cap could be placed if preferred)
If possible, evading through block as a defender could be a decent way to get him some more battlegrounds usage as well.
I am a spider-man buff supporter. At first I hated the buff. I used him got him duped. Got used to him. Liked playing with him. (In ideal scenarios, as busted as I could make him). Like very short fights with advantage against ideal nodes in bgs. He "works". Is 70 seconds necessarily fast v. Ebony maw? But anyways, when I took a step back, everything became a little more clearer. So that's why I'm here. I've been using him as much as possible for the past 6 months and here are the honest results I guess.