Why becoming Uncollected isn't as difficult as you think it is, and why it's worth going for/trying



  • Sakic19Sakic19 Member Posts: 98
    I have a 5* (duped) rank 4 Starlord that will be doing the heavy hitting. I am about to start 5.2.4. So my question is this...I have a 4* 5/50 sig 99 Dormammu. Would he be a good choice to fight the collector for his power control or would a maxed out 4* AOU Vision be better? Or just pound the hell out of him with SL!?! Just curious on the thoughts.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    I have these champs,And am at 5.1.4,I almost made it to venom,But didn't realise I was fighting mesmerise IP,lol
    4* 5/50 Green Goblin
    4* Doctor Voodoo 4/40
    4* 4/40 SW sig 55
    5*Hyperion(about to be 2/35)
    and 5* OML 2/35
    Also,Would Iceman,and Doctor Octopus make much of an impact on my Team? I can take both to 4/40,No problem of.
    Any help assembling my Team? Thanks.
  • NikolahashtagNikolahashtag Member Posts: 1
    God tier??? Demi god tier??? What the hell is that??? :neutral:
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Great post, i have been uncollected for 2 weeks, i used a 5 /50 SW and the rest 4 /40's. @raffster would you be able to do a monthpy guide on the uncollected difficulty of the event quest? I managed to clear it and 100% the first chapter, but i ended up spending about 800 units in total to donthe completion and it would be extremely expensive to 100% it. My main issue is the sentinel in 2.1 and Bishop in 3.1. Takes forever to take them down.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    edited March 2018
    I'm working towards this. I'm planning on making Hulk do most of the work against the Collector - he's now a max Sig 5/50, and thanks to grinding the basic arenas a few weeks back, he'll be teamed with Thor Ragnarok to get the Invulnerability synergy at 20% health - hopefully that will give me some resilience to tank a few hits.

    Awakened Punisher 4* would be another option.

    Question: To what extent does The Collector mess with your ability accuracy to stop these champs triggering Invulnerability/Endure Pain?
  • Rob6Rob6 Member Posts: 35
    Good advice. I saved 2k units and ended up spending about 1600. So worth it.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    I'm working towards this. I'm planning on making Hulk do most of the work against the Collector - he's now a max Sig 5/50, and thanks to grinding the basic arenas a few weeks back, he'll be teamed with Thor Ragnarok to get the Invulnerability synergy at 20% health - hopefully that will give me some resilience to tank a few hits.

    Awakened Punisher 4* would be another option.

    Question: To what extent does The Collector mess with your ability accuracy to stop these champs triggering Invulnerability/Endure Pain?

    80% reduction
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    Everything you said is true. Done it a few weeks back with this team. e848v6bdvnb6.jpeg
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    raffster wrote: »
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    Alright, so, I agree with you, but if you're skilled you don't need 5/50's at all. For the slightly above average player I'm completely with you.

    My team was
    5/50 Hyperion *Awakened* - Did most of the work
    5/50 Gwenpool *Unawakened*
    4/40 Scarlet Witch *Awakened*
    4/40 Wolverine *Awakened*
    Then either
    4/40 Ice Man *Unawakened* did almost nothing.
    4/40 Hood *Awakened* Helped me on the hard to evade specials. basically was invisible 75% of the time.

    For the collector, Hyperion did most if not all of the work. Looking back I should have used single revives instead of team because there was a couple times when he did 50k worth of damage. I had terrible luck with Gwenpool and Scarlet Witch, and Wolverine and Ice Man didn't really do much at all. But it's over, and I'm uncollected now.

    On his stage i only used 600 units.

    Thanks for sharing your experience getting to Uncollected, much appreciated.

    That's actually very true on what you said about one single champ standing out from the rest. In my case it was my top champ 5* unduped Magik R4 that I used with a crit team: 4* Colossus R3, 4* Juggy R3, 3* Colossus R4, 3# Juggy R4. Yup, good old ground and pound. I used a total of 20 single L2 revives on Act 5.2.6 including Collector fight.

    I'm figuring out if this is the cheapest option vs. running with a star cast champ team but ending up using just one for the most part.

    I tried doing that at first but Magik was the clear MVP for the task of bringing down the Collector. If I had another God tier 5* back when I did it maybe I would have used a team revive instead. Right now I already have R4 5* Ghost Rider and R4 5* X23. R4ing 5* Voodoo and Dormammu when I have the resources for it.
  • QbdnfrhuQbdnfrhu Member Posts: 84
    how long would it take if you were on chapter 2 of act 3 with two five stars, and three four stars
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Qbdnfrhu wrote: »
    how long would it take if you were on chapter 2 of act 3 with two five stars, and three four stars

  • Ran80Ran80 Member Posts: 1
    hi ,

    my top ranking hero's are

    Mordo Duped Lvl 52 5*R2/5 35/35
    Iceman Duped Lvl 45 4* R4/5 40/40
    Archangel Duped Lvl 3 4* R4/5 40/40
    Crossbones 5* R2/5 35/35
    Ultron 4* R4/5 40/40

    Do you think they would be good enuf to perform in Act 5 ?

  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Ran80 wrote: »
    hi ,

    my top ranking hero's are

    Mordo Duped Lvl 52 5*R2/5 35/35
    Iceman Duped Lvl 45 4* R4/5 40/40
    Archangel Duped Lvl 3 4* R4/5 40/40
    Crossbones 5* R2/5 35/35
    Ultron 4* R4/5 40/40

    Do you think they would be good enuf to perform in Act 5 ?


    You'll probably survive the first chapter of Act 5 but that's if your fighting skills are really good.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Resurrecting this old thread because I posted here before; and because I just today got Uncollected. Had to write something somewhere! Sure it's taken a while; but I'm an almost F2P solo player, so progression is slow. Plus I was waiting to Awaken AA, which I did recently using the gem I bought with Infinity Dust.

    Used this team, all 5/50s:

    My MVP in the final fight was definitely Hulk, thanks to his awesome 'Friend from work' synergy with Thor (Ragnarok). That five seconds of Invulnerability may not sound like much; but when it coincides with the Hulk Smash buff in an Awakened max Sig Hulk, you can do amazing damage in a very short time, and tank the Collector's Special attacks whilst you're at it (Hulk took several on the chin in a series of fights).

    I was expecting to use Daredevil more on the Collector (and he took a respectable 12% of Collector's Health), but essentially there was no point reviving anyone but Hulk. Seven or eight revives and the Collector was down.

    Before getting to the Collector, my MVP was definitely Archangel; although Thor (Ragnarok) was pretty close behind as he can do amazing damage when synergizing with Hulk. Honourable mentions go to Rogue; who was seriously effective in 5.3 and 5.4 despite only being at 4/40, and Ronan who is 5/50 Awakened and is still my go-to Cosmic champion despite having an Awakened 5/50 Hyperion.

    I'm not an amazing player; but by saving free revives and 4-hrly Crystals, I got through the whole of 5.2 without buying a single healing potion or revive; just spending about 120 or 150 units on a couple of extra boosts. So my advice for aspiring Uncollected players:

    (1) Look ahead, read up on the challenge; and come up with a plan for the Collector.

    and (before starting the last fight)

    (2) Remember what Mike Tyson said about plans...
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    And if you didn't know, Mike's opinion (as Heavyweight champion of the world) was:

    "Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face."

    Definitely worth remembering before fighting the Collector!
  • ShaheerFIazShaheerFIaz Member Posts: 72
    I am stuck on 5.2.4. Very difficult to defeat those 7% regeneration. Use no debuff or parry make it more difficult and with regeneration of their cant beat them
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    I did uncollected with only one 4* 5/50 - hype. and he wasn't my best damage dealer, hulk was. the trick is you need someone, who hits really hard from scratch, and that green monster is perfect on low hp for that, especially duped (my wasn't). so just same max number or lvl1 revives, and you're good. now you can also use some new sinergies with him like void or cap, shouldn't be that hard
    as for 5.1.1-5.2.5, just use champs who trigger minimum effects of a map
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I am stuck on 5.2.4. Very difficult to defeat those 7% regeneration. Use no debuff or parry make it more difficult and with regeneration of their cant beat them

    Yeah, that was tough. A couple more options: Use someone who inflicts loads of debuffs fast, like Hyperion, Nebula, Voodoo or Thor Ragnarok. They'll heal, but just ignore it, and pile on the debuffs fast (and max out Despair).

    Archangel is another option, especially if Duped - get a neurotoxin on, and you can ignore the Masochism completely.

    Mordo's Soul Barb should help, but haven't tried it myself.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    @raffster I’ve finished chapter 1 with 2/35 5* Medusa duped, 4/40 duped guillotine, 4/40 dupe level 35 AA, 4/40 duped crossbones, 2/35 rogue 4/40 duped hulk, and 4/40 iceman in different teams.( depending on the quest) Using the t4 basics I just r3ed Medusa. Is it worth pushing the second chapter with this team?
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    @raffster I’ve finished chapter 1 with 2/35 5* Medusa duped, 4/40 duped guillotine, 4/40 dupe level 35 AA, 4/40 duped crossbones, 2/35 rogue 4/40 duped hulk, and 4/40 iceman in different teams.( depending on the quest) Using the t4 basics I just r3ed Medusa. Is it worth pushing the second chapter with this team?

    Chapter 2 isn’t so much more difficult than Chapter 1 so I recommend going through the quickest paths to completion. Watch youtubers who have done it with a similar setup.

    Collector will be a difficult fight if you’re not used to very long fights.

    But it’s worth the try.

  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Sees thread, sees comment saying 4* 5/50 or 5* 3/35, no longer applies to me, leaves.
  • BlacksparkBlackspark Member Posts: 24
    @raffster by the end of the week, I'll have the resources to r5 a science or mystic 4* ... or r3 my GR, who do you suggest I rank up... I'm trying for uncollected once the season ends...with my roster(plus one of the champions at r5, what are my odds of beating the collector?ic5s8x4p525l.png
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Blackspark wrote: »
    @raffster by the end of the week, I'll have the resources to r5 a science or mystic 4* ... or r3 my GR, who do you suggest I rank up... I'm trying for uncollected once the season ends...with my roster(plus one of the champions at r5, what are my odds of beating the collector?ic5s8x4p525l.png

    R5 4* Hulk and/or R3 5* GR. Hulk wrecks Collector when Hulk is down to 20% Health. So if you die just revive Hulk to finish off Collector. GR can help clear the nodes in Act 5.2.5.
  • Noneed2nvNoneed2nv Member Posts: 58
    Just spent few hours and 1600 units on 5.2 and finally beat the collector with R5 4* Voodoo/R5 4* Iceman / R5 4* GR/ R5 Kilmonger / R3 4* Hype. Ice and VD were my MVPs. I’m glad I found this thread as I was not going to attempt for a couple months,
  • Musclecars4l1feMusclecars4l1fe Member Posts: 32
    I've made it through most of act 5 chapter 1 with 4, 4* @ 4/40 and an r2 5* void. Hype, gp, aa, voodoo and void. AA is the only duped champ. Havent used a single revive so far.
  • ixjarostonixjaroston Member Posts: 6
    I have a 5*R2 HULK, 5*R2 Killmonger, 4* Hood, Wolverine, Thor, YJ, Thor RGRK, Ultron (unduped) all at R4. I got X-23, Startlord & Scarletwitch all unduped, Angela duped but at low ranks since I don't use them very often (being unduped SL & SW are just average). I'm very good player, mainly the boss killer. Should I go for it. My mastery is not fully setup yet (need more points for Deep Wounds & Assassin). Should I go for it???
    I appreciate everyone's suggestions & comments.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    ixjaroston wrote: »
    I have a 5*R2 HULK, 5*R2 Killmonger, 4* Hood, Wolverine, Thor, YJ, Thor RGRK, Ultron (unduped) all at R4. I got X-23, Startlord & Scarletwitch all unduped, Angela duped but at low ranks since I don't use them very often (being unduped SL & SW are just average). I'm very good player, mainly the boss killer. Should I go for it. My mastery is not fully setup yet (need more points for Deep Wounds & Assassin). Should I go for it???
    I appreciate everyone's suggestions & comments.

    If you have the skill then it's possible. But with your current roster it will take every bit of your skill and a lot of time per fight.

    The damage output of an R3 5* and R5 4* is a world apart from your set of R2. 5* and R4 4*. When you get to the Collector it will be a very difficult fight in spite your skill.

    You're going to have better chances once you have at least one r3 5* or R5 4*. Is your Hulk duped or unduped? If he's duped you can probably go at Collector once you get him to R3.

    Have you 100% Act 4 yet? My best suggestion is to wait until you have at least three R5 4*s and or 1 R4 5*.
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  • ixjarostonixjaroston Member Posts: 6
    raffster wrote: »
    ixjaroston wrote: »
    I have a 5*R2 HULK, 5*R2 Killmonger, 4* Hood, Wolverine, Thor, YJ, Thor RGRK, Ultron (unduped) all at R4. I got X-23, Startlord & Scarletwitch all unduped, Angela duped but at low ranks since I don't use them very often (being unduped SL & SW are just average). I'm very good player, mainly the boss killer. Should I go for it. My mastery is not fully setup yet (need more points for Deep Wounds & Assassin). Should I go for it???
    I appreciate everyone's suggestions & comments.

    If you have the skill then it's possible. But with your current roster it will take every bit of your skill and a lot of time per fight.

    The damage output of an R3 5* and R5 4* is a world apart from your set of R2. 5* and R4 4*. When you get to the Collector it will be a very difficult fight in spite your skill.

    You're going to have better chances once you have at least one r3 5* or R5 4*. Is your Hulk duped or unduped? If he's duped you can probably go at Collector once you get him to R3.

    Have you 100% Act 4 yet? My best suggestion is to wait until you have at least three R5 4*s and or 1 R4 5*.

    Thanks man! Yeah I'd definitely wait, I haven't done 100% Act 4 yet. The hulk 5 Star R2 & all my top 4 star rank 4s are unduped. I just started playing in May. Waiting on those Tier 4 class catalysts to rank them up, they're real hard to get even though I have a couple of them of different class by completing Act 3 100%.
  • Ajc10Ajc10 Member Posts: 74
    My best team consists of (all unduped):

    5* champs
    2/35 IMIW & Dr Octopus
    4* champs
    4/40 Stark Spidey, Killmonger & Ghost Rider

    Do you guys think I could become uncollected? Thanks

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