Does block ends a combo?

MDxMDx Member Posts: 96
How long do we have to hold the block to end an ongoing combo ?
Like you're doing a combo (eg.medium light light )and then block for a bit and then hit again (say a medium) , would the combo continue or it would start a new combo ?


  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    It would start a new combo if you wait long enough I'm not sure about the exact time though
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Had ai throw an entire combo into my block just to throw medium #2 maybe there is some kind of pause when getting hit into block?
  • MDxMDx Member Posts: 96
    I just did a medium and blocked for a bit then a medium that turned out to be a 2nd medium, so was curious what was the exact time that we have to hold block to end a combo
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