So should I finally pull the trigger on taking my Nimrod to R5?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,454 ★★★★
I’ve got an R5 (or 7* R2) in every class but Tech. (Actually have two in mystic). I’ve been holding off on Tech hoping to pull Shuri as a 7* but no luck. Just spun one out tonight and still nothing. Given that it will be at least a month before I have enough shards together for another 7*, I think it is finally time to rank up my Nimrod instead. He’s been a mainstay on my roster since I pulled him, and I doubt we’re going to see him as a 7* any time soon.

That said, I still wonder if I should wait a bit longer given how long it takes to get mats together for a R5/7* R2, and because generally I am prioritizing 7* rank ups ahead of 6*..

Here is my tech roster of other ranked candidates in case it helps:

So should I finally pull the trigger on taking my Nimrod to R5? 21 votes

Stop wasting your time - rank your Nimgod
KaspYTGrootman1294captain_rogersAozerJoshua_EiversDrauglinIoniqus_797AJ007Wasy1AlbertelSleepyBear21ManbatnAnsh_AHonorable_BluJayPT_99SagaChampion 16 votes
Wait for a good 7* tech candidate
TribalChiefMiniMF 2 votes
Instead of Nimrod, rank X (please specify)
jcphillips7FrostGiantLordLicky 3 votes


  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,489 ★★★★
    Instead of Nimrod, rank X (please specify)
    For what it's worth, my first r5 tech was Future Antman, and my second was OG Iron Man as I found him a bit more fun to play than Nimrod. That said, if I get tech 4-5 gem from 8.3, Nimrod will be my next r5 given my options.

    I currently have 4 tech 7s; IMIW, War Machine, Mysterio, and G2099. None of these really appeal to me, and I am 1 tech T6CC from having the option to r2 one, but I think I will be waiting for Shuri, Warlock, Lady D, or Hulkbuster.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,150 ★★★★
    Instead of Nimrod, rank X (please specify)
    Instead of Nimrod, I would probably go with Warlock. Nimgod shreds most mutants, but Warlock just has so much more utility, and is great for countering a lot of champs.
  • GrO_otGrO_ot Member Posts: 35
    Warlock and NimGod are the best tech champs imo…but that OG IM looks nice, i would take him to R5 (Got a R3 myself).

    I just took Yondu to R4, he’s my mutant killa…i only have Nimgod and Warlock as 200 sig 5/65s on my 4 mill account 🥲
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