Summoners: begs kabam for years to PLEASE have big content with NO damage cap

ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Member Posts: 444 ★★★★
Kabam: there’s a damage cap


  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 831 ★★★★
    they could always make a challenge with "deathless champions" where damage doesn't really matter, but instead completion challenges.

    Then there would be no damage cap... but the damage would be quite possibly meaningless.

    If only deathless champions were coming to the game soon...
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,327 ★★★★★
    Really annoying
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 91
    it's there for a reason cause if it isn't everyone will just learn to use hela + Odin and finish 9mil health pools in 3 minutes. it's definitely annoying and it sucks that it basically punishes you for having better champs but I see why they did it
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