First r5 of the account, tech 4-5 gem from 8.3.

I love to play both of these champs but torn on who I should upgrade. Both are duped although neither are high sig. However I do have enough sigs to take either of them to max, so that is not an issue.
First r5 of the account, tech 4-5 gem from 8.3. 69 votes
Dew it.
He's goated with the sauce.
I look at Nimrod like I do AA or HT. They're going to melt their ideal match ups so quickly I feel they work fine a rank lower. I'd rather give the extra power to someone who I might also use for not totally optimal matches. He's also a defensive menace.
Super happy so far! Hit a 200k sp2 with 3 disintegrations in under a minute of ramp. (No suicides)
Haven’t gotten to test his sig ability yet but I’m sure basically having 2 immunities will come in handy. Thanks to all who replied and voted!