Sketchy BG match

Just had a weird match in BG, opponent let times run out for every selection. I get into my fight and finish with 100% (easy fight). The victory screen is completely black and not moving, I try to close and reopen so I can finish my matchup but the app won't load. 2 ish minutes late the app opens again and I lost the match with 0 evidence of round one being completed. Waste of elder marks and a loss now, sick. 

Previously if you disconnected, it would let you back into the bg procedure and select and fight just with lesss time.
I had a disconnect earlier today, and it immediately scored a loss, even though I was able to force close the game (was getting the kabam spiralling wheel of death) and restart it and get back into the bg page within about 30s. It reported disconnect and a loss to me.
So yes, a new mechanic.if you disconnect, it may not let you go back in to continue the fight as it previously used to.