Plat 1 experienced player forced to look for a new alliance

Hi all. I'm an experienced officer, I've played high tier war, Aq Map 8, Bgs Top 30. Came back from a two month break two weeks ago and joined a Plat 2 alliance that dropped down to Plat 3 via a losing streak because of a couple of careless players. I did my part, barely k.od because I actually take the game seriously. Now I'm being forced out because I'm having an issue with my line account unable to send messages although I can see them - something that is out of my control. As such, I'm mainly using Discord to communicate. You would think the priority is replacing the slackers that caused the drop to Plat 3 and not a skilled, reliable player...
Anyway, sorry for the long write-up, just feeling betrayed because I had also started my bgs contribution. If there is an alliance I can join for bgs milestones and Plat 2 war, please add me on Discord: eugenemcoc
Anyway, sorry for the long write-up, just feeling betrayed because I had also started my bgs contribution. If there is an alliance I can join for bgs milestones and Plat 2 war, please add me on Discord: eugenemcoc