New feature in Alliance Wars: Organization of War Battlegroups

BillyTheKidBillyTheKid Member Posts: 17
For the next update or the new season of Alliance Wars, Kabam should implement a new feature that allows Officers to organize or exchange the placed defense of an Alliance member from one group to another. This would make it easier to arrange, assign, and balance the groups according to the quantity and power of Alliance members. This way, there is no need to ask each member to remove their defense from one group and move it to another.

I believe it would be straightforward to implement this from the group assignment for War or Quests. By simply moving a member's profile icon from one group to another, their defense is transferred from one group to another and is ready to be placed on the map.

Additionally, Officers should be allowed to place a member's defense on the map. Currently, if a member enters their assigned group with their defense but does not place it, these characters are left waiting until the matchmaking phase ends to be automatically placed on empty nodes. Then, in the next War, the same thing happens; these characters that haven't been placed on the map cannot be organized as defense.

I hope these changes can be taken into account.

Best regards,



  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,569 ★★★★★
    Do you want kabaam to do the fights for them as well?
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,130 ★★★★★
    100% agree, as leader managing everything alone, being able to manually switch peoples battlegroups would be phenomenal. Having people be self accountable in an alliance event is such a drag.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,318 ★★★★★

    Do you want kabaam to do the fights for them as well?

    Sometimes it's better to not talk.
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