450k points in BG starting in Plat

Dwayne55Dwayne55 Member Posts: 125
edited October 2023 in General Discussion
How are we supposed to gain 450k points in BG starting in platinum now? Without throwing matches you'd have to use thousands of EM in gladiator circuit without gaining enough over time to keep from spending units or all your battle chips. Seems like starting closer to GC only hurts you when trying to gain points anymore as you lose out on almost 150k from the missed levels. Anyone else feel this way?


  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Dwayne55 said:

    How are we supposed to gain 450k points in BG starting in platinum now? Without throwing matches you'd have to use thousands of EM in gladiator circuit without gaining enough over time to keep from spending units or all your battle chips. Seems like starting closer to GC only hurts you when trying to gain points anymore as you lose out on almost 150k from the missed levels. Anyone else feel this way?

    What? You still gain the elder marks from the lower ranks after 5 matches
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,604 ★★★★★
    If you started from the day-1 then you needed to win 2 times daily with elder marks to get 450k points.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,867 ★★★★★
    I just save up my elder marks for special events. I started in plat also and just hit 400k.about 7000 elder marks used but no units
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    Dwayne55 said:

    How are we supposed to gain 450k points in BG starting in platinum now? Without throwing matches you'd have to use thousands of EM in gladiator circuit without gaining enough over time to keep from spending units or all your battle chips. Seems like starting closer to GC only hurts you when trying to gain points anymore as you lose out on almost 150k from the missed levels. Anyone else feel this way?

    That's what the kabam's strategy behind this seeding feature. Now we are getting this is not as good as it was shown. First time it was looking good but now I don't see much benefit of seeding. Because if you start with platinum 1 then you have just 27 fights to make bg points in easy way. Suppose you win all the fights without losing then you will only score 180k points.

    And as we know in GC it quite harder then VT. So chance are bit lower than VT. That's why I ended up in Vibranuim1 last season so that I can start with silver1. But idk how I start this season with platinum1. Even it is not mentioned in kabam announcement. There was clearly mentioned that if anyone ended up in GC then only they will start with plat1.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax say something on this. Not everyone play GC very well. It is being quite hard to achieve all milestone when you start with platinum1. You should provide some BG points too when anyone completes the 5 matches.

    Also please explain why I started with platinum1 if i ended up with Vibranuim1.
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    I also save 7400 elders but when I completed 5 matches 2200 elders got credited and due to limit of 9000 I lost 1400 elders. I didn't aware about the limit. I saved too much 😂😂
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  • Dwayne55Dwayne55 Member Posts: 125
    I just personally think you should be given the option to start in platinum and gain rewards after 5 fights or start out at the beginning. Like I said I would rather put in the work at the lower level so I get my event points then have to grind in the garbage GC metas they create. If you can't start at the beginning they should give you some kind of ppint balance starting off in Plat 1. I always had no issue reaching 300k by the time I got to GC winning the majority of my fights. Now I'm sitting in vibranium 2 with less then 200k points because I haven't lost enough? Makes zero sense. Maybe a small multiplier of some kind for winning so many matches in a row like arenas makes this better but this isn't it. You shouldn't have to use a ton of your rewards(battle chips) just to gain points
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    edited October 2023
    At 400k in GC no units used. Still have about 5k EM
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★

    At 400k in GC no units used. Still have about 5k EM

    Question: how many GC matches have you played?

    Dr. Zola
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