Bishop is also great for the last phase if you don't mind using one revive. 🧀
How bishop can cheese the last phase? By maintaining 3 bars at previous fight and using him in last phase? That's actually a wonderful idea wish I've known sooner.
I'm gonna keep it simple, I need some suggestions for the 7.3 kang before I seriously attempt it.
Post your roster bruh If you have hulkling or galan or other power drain immune champs, you are gtg for third phase. Hyperion is great for third phase too.
Bishop is also great for the last phase if you don't mind using one revive. 🧀
How bishop can cheese the last phase? By maintaining 3 bars at previous fight and using him in last phase? That's actually a wonderful idea wish I've known sooner.
Yep. I found that out by accident doing 7 for 7 Carina's. I was at 2.5 bars of power and thought I would beat him to 3 bars, but he did. Then, when I revived and came back, Bishop was at 2.5. It was easy to get to 3 bars then.
Had I known, I would have topped Bishop off at 3 bars in a prior fight and just waited.
I'm in the middle of doing 7 for 7 challenge at the moment and have Vision Aarkus along with Odin who I pulled after 8.3. Would Vision w/ Odin prefights, or Odin himself be best for this fight you think?
I'm gonna keep it simple, I need some suggestions for the 7.3 kang before I seriously attempt it.
Back in my days (4 months ago) I used Ultron with Odin prefight, So much buffs, so much debuffs. His beams heals Ultron even if you miss dex, plus burst of HP gain as well, very well rounded.
I'm gonna keep it simple, I need some suggestions for the 7.3 kang before I seriously attempt it.
Back in my days (4 months ago) I used Ultron with Odin prefight, So much buffs, so much debuffs. His beams heals Ultron even if you miss dex, plus burst of HP gain as well, very well rounded.
Wrong Kang. That's 7.4 kang. But we'll forgive THE paragon for that mix-up.
I'm gonna keep it simple, I need some suggestions for the 7.3 kang before I seriously attempt it.
Back in my days (4 months ago) I used Ultron with Odin prefight, So much buffs, so much debuffs. His beams heals Ultron even if you miss dex, plus burst of HP gain as well, very well rounded.
Wrong Kang. That's 7.4 kang. But we'll forgive THE paragon for that mix-up.
I see, I see But It's not like you will go to 8.1 magically, have to tackle 7.4 kang as well plus Ultron is great BG defender in some certain scenario plus banger Robo who want to end humanity. 10/10 waiting for God Ultron version in game
I'm gonna keep it simple, I need some suggestions for the 7.3 kang before I seriously attempt it.
Back in my days (4 months ago) I used Ultron with Odin prefight, So much buffs, so much debuffs. His beams heals Ultron even if you miss dex, plus burst of HP gain as well, very well rounded.
You're talkin bout 7.4 kang Ultron is the best counter for him. I used gorr in 7 by 7, kang reapplies bleed poison and shock so gorr heals infinitely
If you have hulkling or galan or other power drain immune champs, you are gtg for third phase.
Hyperion is great for third phase too.
Had I known, I would have topped Bishop off at 3 bars in a prior fight and just waited.
So much buffs, so much debuffs.
His beams heals Ultron even if you miss dex, plus burst of HP gain as well, very well rounded.
But It's not like you will go to 8.1 magically, have to tackle 7.4 kang as well plus Ultron is great BG defender in some certain scenario plus banger Robo who want to end humanity. 10/10 waiting for God Ultron version in game
Ultron is the best counter for him.
I used gorr in 7 by 7, kang reapplies bleed poison and shock so gorr heals infinitely