raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
Dear MCOC Beginner Players,

Just a little about me to get that out of the way. Been playing since August 2016 so it's not that long compared to more seasoned/veteran players. I was very active from Aug. 2016 - Feb. 2017, went on a semi retirement from March - July this year (just logging in every day to get the daily prize on the weekly and monthly calendars) and became fully active again from August until now. (In game name: Valroz [GF3] Game Fight 3)

I'm currently at 307K PI, Uncollected, have 1 Rank 4 5*, 1 Rank 3 5*, 7 Rank 5 4*s, 22 rank 4 4*s and 41 rank 3 4*s. I've only been active for a total of 9 months but grew very fast. I have completed 2 Master quests, The Goldblum, and Boss Rush challenge. Heavy arena grinder (I get all the basic champs every time each time) and also get the top 10% on featured arena rewards. Member of an 8.1M active alliance (Tier 5 in AW and Expert Tier in AQ doing Map 5,5,5,5,5.)

Working to finish ROL and RTL this December. LOL completion by March next year, hopefully.

I'll write this essay out Q&A style to make it feel more interactive and personal.

1. How did you progress that fast?

Grind the Arena.
Aside from being very active (I play 3-4 hours/day minimum on the weekdays and 7-8 hours/day on the weekends), I grind the arena as much as I could. Arena grinding has many benefits including the gold and units you get. The easiest way to increase units is to get them from huge chunks of battlechips (opening at least 50-100K at a time).

Find an active alliance.
In the beginning you will have to join beginner level alliances. It's unlikely you will be there for the long haul if your goal is to grow as fast as I did. Join an active alliance as soon as you meet the minimum requirements. You will be with others the same as your level and hero rating, or might find a few members slightly higher than you. Do all the Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars and contribute as much as you can. Even if you're doing only Map 1, 2 or 3, the weekly rewards will help you progress in the beginning. Learn the ropes quickly on how to be a good team player so that you can eventually develop good alliance habits as you grow. These will be invaluable when you join higher tier alliances so you don't become a pain in their behind.

When you first start, you do not want to be in a high tier alliance right away (let's say you're 50K rating) and the next player next to you is 150K. Unless you have fantastic fighting skills, you will die frequently in AQ and AW. So stick to alliances where the power index difference isn't so huge. Grow as fast and as quickly as you can in the beginner alliances. If they don't grow as fast as you are growing then move on to a higher tier alliance. Usually the best time to move to a higher tier is when you become the top member (or near the top) of your current alliance. And you notice in a few weeks you're the only one or a few others is still growing.

However, nothing beats being with an alliance in the beginning and staying with them until they grow to the higher tiers. I didn't have that fortune. Most of the alliances I joined in the beginning got dissolved or fell apart in a few months, some in just weeks. Don't feel bad if that's going to be the case in the beginning. You might even get kicked (removed) for not following rules or if the officers don't like you. Find an alliance that also adjusts to time zone differences and is reasonable with their donation requirements.

Please note that it's when you get into an alliance that do Map 5 at least 3x/week where you will see the fastest and quickest progression from when you first started. (I haven't done Map 6 so I am in no position to comment on that yet. But I can imagine those who are in alliances that do Map 6 5 times a week make huge progress from the rewards they get over those who just do Map 5 all week).

The usual alliance progression which should guide you in making the decision to jump:
500K-2M rating (AQ Map 1,2)
2-3M rating (AQ Map 2,3)
4-5M rating (AQ Map 3,4, dry run Map 5 then Map 3 or 2 on days 4 and 5)
6-7M rating (AQ Map 4 or 5, Map 3 on final days)
8-10M rating (Map 55533, 55543, 55554, 55555)
10M+ (Map 55555, Map 6 dry runs or several times a week)

Rank and Level Up Top Tier champs first before the average champs
If there's one thing that I really did right in this game was follow the advice of more veteran players. And that is ranking and leveling up first the top attack champs before the average attack champs before any defense champs (in that order). A lot of content in this game (especially end-game in Act 4 onwards, Master events, Road to the Labyrinth, Realm of Legends, etc.) require specific attack champs* to be winnable. Seatin (MCOC YouTuber) has a plethora of videos on top tier champ discussion. Watch his video on champ rating for Attack, Defense and Questing.

*Most sought after attack champs: Duped StarLord (5* or 4*), Magik (5* or 4*), Gwenpool, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Hulk, Doctor Voodoo,Vision, Guillotine, ArchAngel, Hyperion, Wolvering, x-23, IceMan, CA WWII, sorry if I missed others.).

Do not be hasty in ranking up any 4* beyond Rank 3 and any 5* above Rank 1. Resources such as Tier 4 Basic Catalyst, Tier 4 Class Catalyst and most especially Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts do not come in droves. So save those aforementioned resources to champs that really deserve to be ranked and leveled. Tier 2 Alphas are very very rare so you should rank 4 only the best of the best 5* you will eventually pull. When in doubt who to rank up always ask those who have played this game longer.

Do all the daily and event quests to 100%. You will get gold, ISOs and the catalysts you need to build your teams. It is mandatory to 100% all daily events if you want to grow fast. I still 100% all the event quests to this day.

I also spend some money on deals that make sense for my current level of progression. This goes without saying that not all deals (even the most expensive ones) will help you at your current level. Sure it will help when you reach the level you will eventually need them at but it will be a waste for now, and the money can be used for something more helpful where you're at. For example, why spend on a $100 deal for one whole Tier 2 Alpha when you don't even have a single 5* or a 5* worth ranking to 4? The $100 would be better for T4 Class Catalyst or Awakening Gem deals OR units you can use to buy mastery cores that will help your best 4*s. Spend money wisely on what will help your team get to the next level AND not on deals that you can't use at the moment. (Exception to those who are just ultra wealthy and can afford it anyway).

Never spend money for units to buy featured crystals unless you have extreme luck. You will have enough 4*s and 5*s in time. I have never found the need to spend money for the .0000000001% chance of getting a 4* or 5* from unit-purchasable hero crystals.

You can choose not to spend money altogether but progress won't be as fast unless you develop amazing fighting skills early on. Or have extreme luck in pulling 4*s from PHCs.


  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    2. I have been playing for 3 months and have very few 4*s.

    When you get to my level and you are as active as I am you can technically get a 4*champ every 4-5 days. But in the beginning it will be every 12-14 days depending on what Tier in SA your alliance is on. That's why it's important for you to always reach the maximum milestone in 4* basic arenas which gets you 4* shards as rank rewards. (Or if you can already push to reaching 2M, go for the basic 4* champ every week).

    Choose an alliance that does AW regularly and is diligent in reaching the highest event quests minimums, gets SA weekly (at least Tier 4 or 5, IIRC), If you don't have a lot of 4*s yet to have a good cycle going in the arena, do the 2-3* arena for the 3* shards. As you keep duping 3*s, your 4* shards base will grow in time.

    So you see, being part of an active alliance is key to getting 3*s, 4*s, and 5*s in time.

    When I was only 3 months into the game I had 15 4*s and 21 3*s. I used those 36 champs to reach 1.5M in the arena every week, twice a week.

    You must also attempt to complete Act 1, 2 and 3 as quickly as possible If you have a team of godly rank 4 3*s, or decent rank 3 4*s, Act 3 is very doable and the exploration rewards you with a 4* Crystal. But if you're not in a rush, Act 3 is way easier with at least 5 x rank 4 4*s.

    Your 4*s will come, promise, but you have to put in the work. If you have a truckload of money you can also purchase those 2500 unit ultra-expensive deals for one 4* Crystal. (I did that only once and regret it because I got a garbage 4*). Or pump money in buying featured or premium hero crystals and try your luck. Note that even if you suddenly pull 100 4*s from spending $1,000 on PHCs, you still have to rank and level them to make them useful. So don't waste your money to get a truckload of 4*s in the beginning. It's going to be a huge waste in the long run.

    THE TRUTH IS ALL YOUR REALLY NEED IS 16 TOP TIER CHAMPS to get through 99% of the game's content. The rest of your champs are just for variety and to help grind through arena.

    3. I have enough "god tier" 4*s but still can't finish Act 4 (even KOd Maestro once without spending a truckload of units on revives).

    The last Chapter of Act 4 can be difficult even if you have god tier 4*s. What will give you the edge in the last chapter of Act 4 is to have at least 1 or 2 Rank 5 4*. I've seen extremely skilled players take down Maestro with a 3* but there's not a lot of those who have the patience to get to that skill level. Theoretically speaking, it is possible to do 100% Exploration of Act 4 using just a team of decent R4 4*s. This is why it's important that you save rare resources to enable you to rank 5 only the most deserving champs.

    I first completed Act 4 (KOd Maestro for the first time) only 5 months into the game using 4* Thor R5 duped, 4* R4 Black Widow duped, 4* Guillotine R4 duped, 4* Ultron R4 (duped), 4* Doctor Strange (unduped) in January of this year. I explored Act 4 100% just last September using 5* Magik R3 unduped, 4* Thor R5 max sig, 4* Ultron R5 max sig, 4* Quake R5 L30 sig, 4* Magik R5 40 sig. I only used units for energy and revived maybe 3x in last Maestro battle.

    Don't rush through finishing/exploring Act 4 until you've built the team that can help you get through it without spending a truckload of units for revives and heals. I've known people who try to rush through Act 4 100% exploration and were deeply frustrated because they just didn't have the right team to do it.

    You will really need to get at least 1 or 2 4*s to R5 to make going through Act 4 as less painful as possible. Needless to say, if you go in Act 4 with all R5 4*s, it will be reasonably easy. When you actually confront Maestro, just make sure you push him to trigger his SP2 because his SP1 cannot be blocked and will kill you quickly.
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Great post! Lots of information here for the newer players. Good on you OP! (I did go through the others as I saw them)

    Hoping this thread stays high on the forums, as there is so much helpful stuff.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Great guide! (bump)
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    This might be more suitable in Strategy and Tips. Any Kabam admin please move if possible. Thanks.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Man I love your advice. honestly, but it's WAY to long.

    I have hard time thinking that beginners even intermediate players will want to read a novel on a game they just recently downloaded.

    It's all really good info though, and I hope I'm wrong. Cheers
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    Man I love your advice. honestly, but it's WAY to long.

    I have hard time thinking that beginners even intermediate players will want to read a novel on a game they just recently downloaded.

    It's all really good info though, and I hope I'm wrong. Cheers

    Thanks so much, mum_m2. Much appreciated. I realize that this is long indeed. I suppose the read will be worth it once new players start to feel the first phase of difficulty. I used to write lengthy guides on another game back in the early 2000s. I'm a journalism graduate but never got to use my degree in the things I did after graduating from college so when I ever have the opportunity to write, I do. Haha.

    Peace out.
  • SgtSlaughter78SgtSlaughter78 Member Posts: 464 ★★★
    Well done for taking the time to write this dude, I sure wish I had read something like this when I started out. I didn’t know about the beginner and intermediate tiers.

    By the time I did I only got one arena in before I left beginner. Karnak. Ah good times.
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  • JstewJstew Member Posts: 46
    Great advice. Wished I had been able to read this a year ago as it would have saved me much frustration.
  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    I have been playing since jan of 2016 and i have almost 200k rating
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    I have been playing since jan of 2016 and i have almost 200k rating

    I spend way too much time on this game, Mrbeast6000. LIke I said in my post, what matters most is the top 16 champs you have. You can totally be 400K rating but have really bad 16 top champs. I'd rather be 150K rating with excellent top 16 champs.

  • caligarelinquocaligarelinquo Member Posts: 218
    This is the best piece of advice I have read. I wish this was here when I first started. I can agree with the vast majority of what you said. Personally, I didn't have any 5* champs to use when I became uncollected, Act 4 100% or completing ROL but I do agree that would have helped and saved me on units. Great post OP, keep them coming.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Great read so far. Too long to get through right now but I agree with everything I read so far. From your advice on finding your first alliance to your God tier champ list to your statement that you only need 16 top tier champions. Spot on. I will try to finish reading it some other time. Great job.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    I have only been playing since March of this year and I have ONE 5* and FOURTEEN 4*s. I have sort of hit a wall with advancement so I might find some good info in your guide. I rarely play arena because the most I've been able to score was like 300K. I just don't have the time. My fighting skills are kind of middle of the road I guess you might say.
    Here's what I'm working with after 9 months: yt2c7dgidlmc.jpg
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    I have only been playing since March of this year and I have ONE 5* and FOURTEEN 4*s. I have sort of hit a wall with advancement so I might find some good info in your guide. I rarely play arena because the most I've been able to score was like 300K. I just don't have the time. My fighting skills are kind of middle of the road I guess you might say.
    Here's what I'm working with after 9 months: yt2c7dgidlmc.jpg

    Hi supremewarlord,

    Truth be told having lots of time is crucial for this game. Grinding in the arena in the beginning is almost mandatory because it's the only way you can get the 4*s and resources without spending a truckload of money on units to buy champions. If you have time on the weekends it would be ideal to at least get one basic champ each week until you build enough teams to get a basic champ 2x/week.

    I hope you will find the rest of the guide informative and can help you progress avoiding the potholes I stumbled on when I first started.

    Good luck.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    This is the best piece of advice I have read. I wish this was here when I first started. I can agree with the vast majority of what you said. Personally, I didn't have any 5* champs to use when I became uncollected, Act 4 100% or completing ROL but I do agree that would have helped and saved me on units. Great post OP, keep them coming.

    Thanks for the kind words, caligarelinquo. Much appreciated feedback. I hope that the ultra long info can still help you wherever you're at in your journey.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Great read so far. Too long to get through right now but I agree with everything I read so far. From your advice on finding your first alliance to your God tier champ list to your statement that you only need 16 top tier champions. Spot on. I will try to finish reading it some other time. Great job.

    Thanks so much for the kind words. Much appreciated.
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    Two thing I want to add: First before any top tier champ or any 5*, mastery come first, I'd rather have a Spider gwen that can parry than a Gwenpool that couldn't dodge Hulk sp. Second sometimes top tier champ isn't the best choice for the fight. Like star lord can hit hard but most node in AW will require power control or immunity. Or Daredevil is very usefull in some fight like 5.2.2 Hood, Collector or Maestro.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Thanks for the guide! (Even though I'm not new,I took loooong breaks,And i am yet to Finish Act 4!Oh and,(Bump!))
  • Ashesudeeni1Ashesudeeni1 Member Posts: 49
    great post.
  • KesurendraKesurendra Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2017
    Hello guys,
    This is really a very good info for most of us. Really I thank you for that.

    And I noticed one more thing. Someone said about their game play.

    I wish to share my game play too..
    Since, January 2017 I'm playing this game. I got 21- 4 stars and 2- 5 stars. Now only I reached level 47 and total rating is 99K.

    Problem is, that I don't have even one mutant 4 star.

    Suggest me, how to get 4 star mutant champ. Thanks..sclurxkffebf.png
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Kesurendra wrote: »
    Hello guys,
    This is really a very good info for most of us. Really I thank you for that.

    And I noticed one more thing. Someone said about their game play.

    I wish to share my game play too..
    Since, January 2017 I'm playing this game. I got 21- 4 stars and 2- 5 stars. Now only I reached level 47 and total rating is 99K.

    Problem is, that I don't have even one mutant 4 star.

    Suggest me, how to get 4 star mutant champ. Thanks..sclurxkffebf.png

    Why bother when you have Medusa and DUPED Star-Lord?!
    Anyway,it depends on crystal RNG,I don't have a single skill 4*.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Kesurendra wrote: »
    Hello guys,
    This is really a very good info for most of us. Really I thank you for that.

    And I noticed one more thing. Someone said about their game play.

    I wish to share my game play too..
    Since, January 2017 I'm playing this game. I got 21- 4 stars and 2- 5 stars. Now only I reached level 47 and total rating is 99K.

    Problem is, that I don't have even one mutant 4 star.

    Suggest me, how to get 4 star mutant champ. Thanks..sclurxkffebf.png

    Why bother when you have Medusa and DUPED Star-Lord?!
    Anyway,it depends on crystal RNG,I don't have a single skill 4*.

    So,When you open another 4* crystal or summat',You might get a Mutant.
  • Ashesudeeni1Ashesudeeni1 Member Posts: 49
    Can anyone suggest on how to prioritize your top 16 based purely on PI? which to save for quests and which to keep for aw def/atk and aq.
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  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    skudpuppet wrote: »
    Best advice for new players = don't spend money on this game and don't spend your units on anything other than mastery stuff.

    I wish i knew that earlier
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Kesurendra wrote: »
    Hello guys,
    This is really a very good info for most of us. Really I thank you for that.

    And I noticed one more thing. Someone said about their game play.

    I wish to share my game play too..
    Since, January 2017 I'm playing this game. I got 21- 4 stars and 2- 5 stars. Now only I reached level 47 and total rating is 99K.

    Problem is, that I don't have even one mutant 4 star.

    Suggest me, how to get 4 star mutant champ. Thanks..

    Thank you for the kind words, Kesurendra,

    There is no sure way to get any specific mutant in this game unless Kabam makes a paid for offer for a specific champ. That comes around like 1x a year if we're lucky at all.

    Everything you get from crystals are all random. There is absolutely no way we can be sure what we're going to get. Sometimes we can get extremely luck (like when you got Medusa) or extremely unlucky (when you got Kamala Khan).

    To succeed in this game you need lots of patience, and if you want to progress faster than the average active player, have some money to spend on deals that makes the most sense for your current level.

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