Difference in matches using elder marks and energy
Member Posts: 60 ★
There was always a difference in previous seasons making matches harder when using elder marks, but this season it became riddiculous. In the circuit over 60% of my matches ended in victory when using energy, and below 30% using elder marks. When started using elder marks i went from mysterium II (top 600) to arcane III (top 3 or 3.5k). Harder opponents when using marks and most important terrible draws. I know it is supposes to be rng, but when i get eg kingpin 1 in 10 matches (and not once was he banned) that isnt rng anymore, and thats not only kingpin. With that probability happening so often i would win lottery every week. I understand the game needs to make profit, so they "punish" elder mark matches so people buy more marks... but this season the alghoritms really went over the line.
Also the earlier you get to gc the less ranking matters. I got to gc and without playing a match was in mysteriom with zero points because so few had made it yet.
I HIGHLY suggest you read up on game theory.
Say you use elder marks or energy and match an opponent, how could you possible know which resource your opponent used? Are you friend requesting each person in game to ask them after the match has concluded?
You're experiencing conformation bias. You've lost a few matches using elder marks so you notice losses with elder marks more. Same with wins with energy. I'm fairly certain matchmaking with elder marks vs energy doesn't make a difference and has no affect on match outcome.