The War on Cheaters Update - November 2023



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  • AffectedAffected Member Posts: 5
    What do they mean by Any other form of manipulating your fight data be more specific please
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Affected said:

    What do they mean by Any other form of manipulating your fight data be more specific please

    I doubt they're going to detail that. For obvious reasons.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,165 ★★★★★
    There has never been a mobile game mode more over run with modders.

    Truly pathetic that more is not being done to combat this rampant issue.
  • DarkShadowLinxDarkShadowLinx Member Posts: 2
    There is a part that is not clear or at least I did not understand well regarding the use of energy or brands, because when I complete the monthly missions I do not spend energy so I use them in bg since the 60 energy points gives me approximately 1200 points in bg, which is a tiny amount and does not affect the game or farming much, does this mean that my account is at risk for doing this practice? I've only done it once, which was now, and I have doubts that I might end up having 0 medals for having lost, and since I'm not using the energy to lose on purpose and not advance
  • NW2NW2 Member Posts: 19
    Does not trying to win a match when you are overpowered by 6k+ PI per champ with no counters because your roster is more limited than your opponent’s count as losing on purpose?
    I just don’t have the will to even try anymore, loss loss loss and there is nothing I can do about it.
    I may never be able to play battlegrounds again after the beating I have had to endure this season trying to grind milestone points.
    You need to find a way to keep this game mode competitive for all levels throughout the entire season, not just the first day or two.
    For those who say don’t play it then or rank up your roster or get better skill, your opinion doesn’t change my experience in the game and your situation’s is not my situation.
  • BreezeCabestBreezeCabest Member Posts: 11
    YERATEL said:

    Got a suspension for a week.
    I always played fair. I play in battlegrounds for both tokens and energy. I win and lose, but I always do it honestly without the goal of deceiving the game developers. Yesterday, for example, I won in the battlegrounds for tokens 4 times and when they ran out I switched to energy and lost 4 times, I lost because the opponents were very strong - you can see this by carefully checking this request. I played for tokens in the battlegrounds in order to quickly get the last reward for single missions, namely 5000 titanium crystals, after I took this reward, I ran out of tokens and switched to energy. Maybe that’s why you thought I was cheating, but actually I was not. I have never broken the rules of the game and will never break the rules of the game.
    Please look into this request, an error occurred.

    I received the same thing. I have never cheated in the game and honestly dont know how. Been playing this game for over 7 years now and never had an issue.
  • BreezeCabestBreezeCabest Member Posts: 11

    YERATEL said:

    Got a suspension for a week.
    I always played fair. I play in battlegrounds for both tokens and energy. I win and lose, but I always do it honestly without the goal of deceiving the game developers. Yesterday, for example, I won in the battlegrounds for tokens 4 times and when they ran out I switched to energy and lost 4 times, I lost because the opponents were very strong - you can see this by carefully checking this request. I played for tokens in the battlegrounds in order to quickly get the last reward for single missions, namely 5000 titanium crystals, after I took this reward, I ran out of tokens and switched to energy. Maybe that’s why you thought I was cheating, but actually I was not. I have never broken the rules of the game and will never break the rules of the game.
    Please look into this request, an error occurred.

    I received the same thing. I have never cheated in the game and honestly dont know how. Been playing this game for over 7 years now and never had an issue.
    I sent in a support ticket and they couldnt give me any reason as to why i was banned and that they cannot help me. So whats the point of support when they cant even point you in the right direction
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 579 ★★★
    edited November 2023
    Its impossible with this meta … The person opposite is in a team that finished 3rd in the War season what a shame

  • 2_Wheeler2_Wheeler Member Posts: 106
    So I dont play much anyway, never got the point when i have played I normally get my azz waxed because everyone i play is better. Im 72 years old and yall never seem to take us octogenarians into account.
  • InfamousMikeInfamousMike Member Posts: 72
    Ambiguous rules and contradictions for a lot..
    Please be careful banning innocents,..
  • InfamousMikeInfamousMike Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2023

    YERATEL said:

    Got a suspension for a week.
    I always played fair. I play in battlegrounds for both tokens and energy. I win and lose, but I always do it honestly without the goal of deceiving the game developers. Yesterday, for example, I won in the battlegrounds for tokens 4 times and when they ran out I switched to energy and lost 4 times, I lost because the opponents were very strong - you can see this by carefully checking this request. I played for tokens in the battlegrounds in order to quickly get the last reward for single missions, namely 5000 titanium crystals, after I took this reward, I ran out of tokens and switched to energy. Maybe that’s why you thought I was cheating, but actually I was not. I have never broken the rules of the game and will never break the rules of the game.
    Please look into this request, an error occurred.

    I received the same thing. I have never cheated in the game and honestly dont know how. Been playing this game for over 7 years now and never had an issue.
    I sent in a support ticket and they couldnt give me any reason as to why i was banned and that they cannot help me. So whats the point of support when they cant even point you in the right direction
    For that reason I wrote a thread about all this thing, but they closed it

    You know what it's like to dedicate hours a day to a game, spend years playing, investing money and time so that Kabam first comes and bans you for no reason just because you played in a "suspicious" way, the game gives you the freedom to lose and put whatever you want in your deck, also leave the games, pause it and so on...
    I really don't understand what Kabam is trying to do with all these rules and bans by mistake, to demotivate the player and scare away new ones.

    From what I can see, we are just "recycled players" for Kabam, because when they get an account banned they don't check it again to see what happened and correct their mistake.
    Please stop your madness, MCOC is a game to relax and enjoy playing, it is not training for NASA or an Army with dozens of unwritten rules and regulations.

    I don't say this with the intention of offending, but I am seeing that this game is taking a very dark path for players.
    Best regards.
  • MskmskMskmsk Member Posts: 2
    The accounts of all people who cheat in Battleground or transfer tours to other accounts with money must be closed immediately... If you are not going to take this precaution, do not bring Battleground next season.. Defend the rights of the player..
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★

    YERATEL said:

    Got a suspension for a week.
    I always played fair. I play in battlegrounds for both tokens and energy. I win and lose, but I always do it honestly without the goal of deceiving the game developers. Yesterday, for example, I won in the battlegrounds for tokens 4 times and when they ran out I switched to energy and lost 4 times, I lost because the opponents were very strong - you can see this by carefully checking this request. I played for tokens in the battlegrounds in order to quickly get the last reward for single missions, namely 5000 titanium crystals, after I took this reward, I ran out of tokens and switched to energy. Maybe that’s why you thought I was cheating, but actually I was not. I have never broken the rules of the game and will never break the rules of the game.
    Please look into this request, an error occurred.

    I received the same thing. I have never cheated in the game and honestly dont know how. Been playing this game for over 7 years now and never had an issue.
    I sent in a support ticket and they couldnt give me any reason as to why i was banned and that they cannot help me. So whats the point of support when they cant even point you in the right direction
    From what I can see, we are just "recycled players" for Kabam, because when they get an account banned they don't check it again to see what happened and correct their mistake.
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    Uhm i would prefer us to go back to the non-seed thingy, cause going to Diamond means that we are stuck in Platinum for the next season and the season after that and so on, if we continue playing from Platinum and progress to Diamond. That means we are stuck with Paragon/Valiant all the way down to Uncollected, which doesn't sound so fun unless we don't allow progress further than Platinum so we can go back to Gold each new Season and fight players my size, like i wanna see Gold again i miss it.
  • 9Suhail9Suhail Member Posts: 35
    @Kabam Miike
    Will there ever be a war on arena cheaters?
  • Davidson75Davidson75 Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2023
    So what is actually being said from the looks of it is and how many have a title of Necropolis, that you can not find and classify them as cheaters only those that 100% the content?
    And all those level 50 players with this title super low pvp and super low quest in their profile they are all good and don’t have to worry?

    Seems you are only looking for top players and every day players who cares about them and let them keep cheating which is what the majority of us see. Until so many people give up on gaming on here. Oh good you said 2,000 so what is that 0.01% not even a close to any percentage of those cheating. If you don’t stop the cheaters soon you will only be catering to those that cheat and they will be the only ones playing and the rest of us will just stop!
    The rest of us going up the stairs just to see someone that used an elevator to pass us, it is like what’s the point time to leave the building and go to a different building.
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to farm event points while losing, unless it is done strategically to avoid progressing (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)

    I genuinely don’t understand this. Can somebody kindly explain? thanks.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Great job Kabam…

    Trying to build up my baby account, its hard with these dumdums around…but hey, no compensation, we get it, you work hard…

  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,589 ★★★★★
    GrO_ot78 said:

    Great job Kabam…

    Trying to build up my baby account, its hard with these dumdums around…but hey, no compensation, we get it, you work hard…

    It's actually ridiculous that Kabam gives no compensation for players who suffered, countless wasted elder marks against the cheaters just because their "anti-cheat" is slow like turtle and it takes 20 working days to ban a cheater.
  • SujanSujan Member Posts: 3
    Hello sir,
    I need your help.
  • SujanSujan Member Posts: 3
    Permanently banned it's not a solution.i think 1/2 month bande is more then enough.i give my 5/6 years in this game. I take a wrong way, that's why my id is permanently closed!!! If you think you are right it's ok.but it's not a good solution.
  • SujanSujan Member Posts: 3
    We are human. Sometime We go the wrong way, a sudden time bande, it's ok. But permanently closed, it's not a good solution. It's not a game, it's our happiness🥺.If i say any wrong please forgive me. It's just my opinion this it.
  • Rohith21Rohith21 Member Posts: 169 ★★
    Sujan said:

    We are human. Sometime We go the wrong way, a sudden time bande, it's ok. But permanently closed, it's not a good solution. It's not a game, it's our happiness🥺.If i say any wrong please forgive me. It's just my opinion this it.

    Stfu. You chose to do something that'll put your account at risk and also chose to ruin other's experience in this game. I'm glad you got banned, and that I'm seeing this on Christmas. Best present ever.
  • omer22omer22 Member Posts: 2
    tam 7 yıl oynadım az değil gece gündüz her zaman oynadım. ve hesabımı 1 haftalık değil 1 aylık değil direk kalıcı olarak kapattınız. yazıklar olsun. bu haksızlığı artık kaldırın. neden hile yaptığımı düşündüyseniz kazandığımı geri alın ve hesabımı 1 ay kapatın ama kalıcı olarak çok haksızlık. 7 yıl az değil ki..
  • omer22omer22 Member Posts: 2
    ve hesabım adım omero22
  • Michæl_VMichæl_V Member Posts: 1
    @omer22 It has been noted here in the game that the Necropolis run has an anti-cheat system activated. I see that you have completed the Necropolis, so your ban after receiving the rewards may be related.
  • RasheedshaikRasheedshaik Member Posts: 1

  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★


    Talk to Kabam Support and provide evidence for the innocence of your ban
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,705 ★★★★★


    Contact support
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