Summoner's Tier List - Every champ rated 0-100 using data from KT1, Lagacy, Vega, MGuideBlog, Omega

I put a good bit of work into this spreadsheet because I wasn't sure which tier list to look at. Also, I'm a spreadsheet nerd so it was fun.
If you make a copy of the spreadsheet, you can use checkmarks at the top to toggle which data you're using for the ratings.
If you make a copy of the spreadsheet, you can use checkmarks at the top to toggle which data you're using for the ratings.

I know Tier Lists are not the be all end all of things, but as a first orientation, they are very valuable. And what you have done is extremely helpful! This should be pinned...
Others are correct
So, while “just another tier list” may have some value, I think this work ist much better and more helpful, because you have a single spot to compare all ratings of champs…