Who is the better Mystic Champion out of all these?

CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,054 ★★★
Who is the better Mystic Champion?

Who is the better Mystic Champion out of all these? 117 votes

Symbiote Supreme
DOKTOROKTOPUSAleorPikolucaptain_rogerso_oSleepyBear21KLZ 7 votes
PantherusNZTendersquadVegeta9001captaincushSw0rdMasterLucky7LucianoRepto23Kpratish1997Denzel116DaemonflameZeezoosLight_StormDeaconmgj0630VbnmeEwell65SSS69GardoshBeastDadIRQMadTing123 44 votes
Spidey Supreme
SnakeEyes69KeonexDanielRandIl_CuocoManup456Justcause102CASrinivasAyden_noah1OGAvengerMagnusRFightErcarretRenaxqqHippoSleek_Javengersunit24ahmynutsTheBair123BlackTuranAshacekarThePredator1001Final_Order 32 votes
SagaChampion 1 vote
iwoso 1 vote
zuffyAdvSCP1504SidDDragon_Sham_Powerofpain1001MaratoxItsClobberinTimeReignkingTWWinterFieldsDrauglinShenkFerahgoShepOakenshieldSUPREME77qm44JT_SupremeNight_RiderN0mad 32 votes


  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 1,961 ★★★★★
    People sleep on this one.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 10,100 ★★★★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    The og
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 878 ★★★★
    Depends what you need them for, but diablo is really great, powerful self healing, customizable utility that only costs a little bit more time of ramp up. One of the big wins of the buff program.
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,054 ★★★
    Spidey Supreme
    Woah! Seems like Diablo really is great!
    My personal fav is Sorc Spidey
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,054 ★★★
    Spidey Supreme
    Who is easy to use?
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,909 ★★★★★
    I was hoping Doom was on here so it's be a no-brainer and I wouldn't have to think.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,709 ★★★★★
    The voting % is pretty accurate, Wiccan and Diablo are pretty close depending on the need for them.
  • GruesomeHeroesGruesomeHeroes Member Posts: 46
    Where is Claire?
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 786 ★★★★

    Woah! Seems like Diablo really is great!
    My personal fav is Sorc Spidey

    Diablo is arguably the best mystic if you use recoil masteries. He can heal and mitigate damage with liquid courage instead of taking damage
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 625 ★★★
    Wiccan is the most versatile of the champs listed. His neutralize is amazing and makes him worth the rank up alone. He also hard counters common cosmic defenders like Hulkling and Gorr. In many ways a 6r5 Wiccan and 6r5 Doom will counter thise defenders in the same amount of time in battlegrounds when being used by an expert player.

    A lot of people swear by Diablo but as a non suicide player, i find him average. I get that his value is extemely high with suicides but there are a lot of non suicide players who get confused with why he is so well rated.

    Symbiote and Spidey supreme are good attackers and defenders but they really shine in specific scenarios. I wont call them allround mystic attackers like Diablo (with suicides) and Wiccan.

    It therefore depends on what you value. I value all round ability more than anything because taking them on a quest to counter a wide variety of nodes and defenders is important to me. That way Wiccan is the clear winner assuming suicides is not an option.
  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Spidey Supreme
    i am a fan of spider supreme
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,275 ★★★★
    If suicides, Diablo. If not, Wiccan
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,054 ★★★
    Spidey Supreme
    Guys! I put up only these Options coz I only have these Mystics.
    I need to see whom to Rank up
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