Can't complete battlegrounds challenges cos of this dumb "be the best to play this gamemode" system

iwosoiwoso Member Posts: 28
ata point where i cant get into match without versing a legends player with maxed out 6 stars and rank 2 7 stars and cant even get a win cos of it. people are saying its a skill issue but if my enemy attacker cant even scratch them let alone compare to the 20 seconds it took their 30k hercules then i think that speaks for itself.


  • IRQIRQ Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Eh. I started kinda understand those guys after hitting a losing streak where most of my losses come from the game outright refusing to give me champions I need for a given matchup and both my abilities and mental health declining rapidly due to frustration buildup. Oddly enough it started juuust after I ran out of marks and started playing for energy.

    Seriously, when fourth opponent in a row drafts 4 to 5 of his 10 sugar pills (including three I banned) and I don't get a single decay, or any other counter, of my own it starts looking more like an underhanded business tactic than a skill issue.
  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 332 ★★★
    its ok to stop playing
  • Eugene_VirtuosoEugene_Virtuoso Member Posts: 378
    IRQ said:

    Eh. I started kinda understand those guys after hitting a losing streak where most of my losses come from the game outright refusing to give me champions I need for a given matchup and both my abilities and mental health declining rapidly due to frustration buildup. Oddly enough it started juuust after I ran out of marks and started playing for energy.

    Seriously, when fourth opponent in a row drafts 4 to 5 of his 10 sugar pills (including three I banned) and I don't get a single decay, or any other counter, of my own it starts looking more like an underhanded business tactic than a skill issue.

    Same thing for me. I went on an almost 10+ losing streak a few hours ago, today has been my first losing streak of the like. Although I wasn't pushing too hard to win, I was trying to win but more focused on getting to 400k especially because I accepted the fact that the decay attackers have easy wins against most of my defenders and somehow I kept failing to see the champions I need most when drafting. Funny that it was usually my science decay champions missing, I went several matches without seeing even one of my four decay science champions. How's that for sheer 'bad luck'.
  • EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Member Posts: 392 ★★
    IRQ said:

    Eh. I started kinda understand those guys after hitting a losing streak where most of my losses come from the game outright refusing to give me champions I need for a given matchup and both my abilities and mental health declining rapidly due to frustration buildup. Oddly enough it started juuust after I ran out of marks and started playing for energy.

    Seriously, when fourth opponent in a row drafts 4 to 5 of his 10 sugar pills (including three I banned) and I don't get a single decay, or any other counter, of my own it starts looking more like an underhanded business tactic than a skill issue.

    Interesting you mention that. I too noticed that stacked rosters seem to have always the best picks in the "random" champ selection, and most of the time I have my 5 bottom champs to pick from. Like I have only 4 tech champs in the deck and they are all on same selection pane, whilst the opponent has no mutants and has 3 or 4 direct counters for tech champs already picked. Perhaps it's a selling tactic for the shuffle cards? The whole "create a problem, sell the solution" business model?
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,684 ★★★★★
    It's almost like football Worldcup is open for any country to participate but wahhh, my country can't get qualified because other countries have better players and my team keeps losing, wahhhh, I don't want to get better players because that's too time consuming, wahhhh, I want to see my country team right in upper brackets wahhhhh.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,022 ★★★
    iwoso said:

    ata point where i cant get into match without versing a legends player with maxed out 6 stars and rank 2 7 stars and cant even get a win cos of it. people are saying its a skill issue but if my enemy attacker cant even scratch them let alone compare to the 20 seconds it took their 30k hercules then i think that speaks for itself.

    well , that is good . You should be proud of yourself tbh , as you have been able to match against these overpowered account (the point where these kinds of accounts stuck in) . Keep progressing , making wise rank ups and eventually you will beat them
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    I have 9 7*s and 11 R4s, but don't use all of them in my deck. For example, I have ascended 5/65 CGR, Hulkling, Korg and Nimgod in my deck. Korg still kills, and of those who manage to take him, 80% still spend a lot of it's also about understanding the meta and placing unpleasant defenders there.

    Like last season, my R4 Yondu never got banned…but killed everything fast and crazy, because he's a prowess killa.

    But understandable not having R5s or 7*sr2, and seeing an opponent have a deck full of them, and all of the nasty ones that require specific counters...that sucks.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,646 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023

    Interesting you mention that. I too noticed that stacked rosters seem to have always the best picks in the "random" champ selection, and most of the time I have my 5 bottom champs to pick from. Like I have only 4 tech champs in the deck and they are all on same selection pane, whilst the opponent has no mutants and has 3 or 4 direct counters for tech champs already picked. Perhaps it's a selling tactic for the shuffle cards? The whole "create a problem, sell the solution" business model?

    What you are describing is probably more to do with them having a Stacked deck, rather than 'RNG in their favor." When every option in their deck is a good one, then it doesn't take much 'luck' to have good options to pick.
  • IRQIRQ Member Posts: 327 ★★
    altavista said:

    Interesting you mention that. I too noticed that stacked rosters seem to have always the best picks in the "random" champ selection, and most of the time I have my 5 bottom champs to pick from. Like I have only 4 tech champs in the deck and they are all on same selection pane, whilst the opponent has no mutants and has 3 or 4 direct counters for tech champs already picked. Perhaps it's a selling tactic for the shuffle cards? The whole "create a problem, sell the solution" business model?

    What you are describing is probably more to do with them having a Stacked deck, rather than 'RNG in their favor." When every option in their deck is a good one, then it doesn't take much 'luck' to have good options to pick.
    Doesn't explain situations when I have 10 counters to what the opponent already picked in a deck of 27 and none of them can be drafted while the opposite side does not have this problem, and it happens not once or twice but 10-15 matches in a row.

    I'm not a top tier player, I have no problem admitting that I got outdrafted by my fault or lost to superior skill, and these happen often, but when time and time again I get dealt a trash hand I can do nothing with I am going to start asking questions about the dealer. Especially given the "trash hands" started the exact moment I stopped using premium currency as buy-ins. Call me tinfoil all you like.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    I think there's some confirmation bias going on here too.

    You do, I presume, win matches from time to time. Do you have such intense recall of your opponents' drafts in those matches? Can honestly you say that there have been no matches when you got everyone you wanted and your opponent got a **** deal?
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